Thursday, June 27, 2019

06-27-2019 Dream Of The Latest Fad- Multicolored Eye Shade And Another AHA! Moment

Yesterday I saw an older lady without any makeup on. What really disturbed me was the fact she had absolutely no eyelashes or eyebrows.

My subconscious picked up my disturbed reaction and showed me how to fix this ladies lack of eyelashes and eyebrows.

My dream, in the early morning of 06-27-2019, showed scenes of younger people waiting to have their eyelids done in almond shaped, outlined slivers of multicolored eye shadow. Each almond shaped sliver of color was outlined in a thin line of black, red or bronze.

The multicolored slivers on each person's eyelids, in my dream, were a lot sharper and cleaner than eye shadow. It looked more like a temporary tattoo. There were some people who had a couple of layers of almond shaped slivers of color outlined in black, red or bronze, below their eyes, as well.

In my dream, it was the latest thing to do to make you feel good about yourself- similar to going to get your nails done with fancy designs.

I was surprised to see men, as well as women, waiting to get their eyes done in multicolored shades.
In my dream, one young guy was talking to someone else about how he would get his eyes done to reward himself after accomplishing a difficult task like college finals or working on the engine of a car!

Sounds weird, but after seeing the lady with no eyelashes and eyebrows in real life, I thought my dream's suggestion of outlined, almond shaped slivers of several colors around the eyes looked very clean, crisp and refreshing.

When I woke up, I thought, "Why limit this idea to almond shaped slivers of color around the eyes? Why not try little diamond shaped or small, outlined circles of colors around the eyes, as well?

Who knows? Maybe this idea will become the next big thing!

Update 06-29-2019: I started thinking about the dream in this blog when I woke up in the morning of 06-29-2019. I thought, "Why did I have such a silly, girly dream about eye shade colors. I felt I was turning into some kind of bird brain having such silly dreams. I had a feeling I was missing something significant about this dream my subconscious mind was trying to make me aware of.

Then in a "AHA!" moment I connected the dots.

I said to myself, "Wait! Bird brain? Color?"

Maybe my subconscious mind was trying to tell me humans will evolve a high level of sophistication in human DNA manipulation. Humans will be able to manipulate the genes in DNA to change the  skin around their eyes to vibrant, colorful patterns- like birds have evolved the ability to produce vibrant, colorful patterns in their feathers (i.e. peacock feathers).

This is huge. Once we can manipulate the color of specific areas of skin on our bodies just think of the possibilities. Next maybe we will create patches of chlorophyll within our skin to produce energy for our bodies directly from sunlight!

Maybe someone reading this blog will be inspired to start working on how to manipulate genes in human DNA to produce patterns of skin color on different parts of the body by isolating the color and pattern making genes in birds!

I hereby name the undiscovered color and pattern making genes in birds "Tattoo Genes"!

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