Tuesday, June 11, 2019

06-11-2019 Dream Of Evil And Falling, Historical Buildings

I had a dream in the early morning of 06-10-2019. In the dream, I kept have repeating scenes where I felt "ill at ease". It was a feeling of impending failures. I kept having to run away from infrastructure I was in falling apart around me at the last minute. The final scene in my dream, before I woke up, was a view of my old elementary building walls collapsing outward like a flimsy "house of cards". I kept having the feeling there some sort of supernatural, evil power making the infrastructure failures happen.

This dream is very symbolic and probably originates from the fact I am currently preparing to sell and move out of my large, old house, with increasingly failing infrastructure, to a more controllable, new home or "infrastructure". My current plan is to move into  a smaller, brand new house in the future. My dream may represent the idea of giving up my old house (or infrastructure) to start a new chapter in my life in a new house (or infrastructure).

I am documenting this dream because it was memorable and poignant.

The evil causing all the havoc behind the scenes, in my dream, is due to the fact I am reading a trilogy of fiction where the good guys are having to piece together why little parts of their surrounding infrastructure is falling apart in their country. The good guys believe there is an evil entity causing the frequent infrastructure failures.

Interesting how the subconscious melds two ideas I am experiencing in real life into a seemingly unrelated and extremely symbolic dream for me to pick apart the meaning of when I wake up!

I could be interpreting my dream wrong. My dream could be a warning of some evil entity in the world who will try (and partially succeed) in slowly destroying many parts of the basic infrastructure allowing the United States to thrive. The Romans were eventually defeated by cutting off their water supplies to major Roman cities.

Maybe my dream really is a prediction of new, subtle attacks on the US infrastructure in the future.

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