Sunday, April 28, 2019

04-28-2018 Interesting New Models Explaining Our Existence In This Universe

I watched a couple of episodes that intrigued me and matched some of the dreams I have had regarding the creation of our universe.

In a "Nasa's Unexplained Files" episode I watched on Science Channel called "Pluto's Evil Twin" (Ref:,
one of the people interviewed stated scientists believe they are able to produce mini universes by simply subjecting a particle of matter to multi-billion volts of electricity. They said this action forms a bubble they believe has the properties of a very small universe.

I had a dream where I saw bubble universes inside black holes being created from the event horizon material surrounding a black hole being being sucked into the black hole. It seems to me my dream is very similar to the idea of of creating a mini universe. My dream's raw, event horizon energy bubble universe inside a black hole is probably the same as the mini universe created from a multi-billion volt hit of electricity to a particle of matter in the lab.
(Ref. 03-24-2018 What If There Are Bubbles Inside Black Holes).

The sixth episode of the Science Channel's series "Space's Deepest Secrets"  was "Is The Universe A Hologram? (".

 I recently watched this episode and noted it matched the idea of the dream I had regarding "black hole bubble universes" on 03-24-2018. The "Is The Universe A Hologram" episode on the Science Channel was all  about physicists working on a bizarre, mathematical model of our universe generated from a holographic image. On the surface of their two dimensional " universe template" bubble- they believe a holographic image of our universe, projected, in three dimensions is a viable model of how the universe we live in was created-I suspect inside the "universe template" bubble!

Apparently the physic's math of such a model works out- whatever that means.

Anyway they are basically stating our universe is a holographic image projected from the two dimensional surface of a "universe template" bubble.

This is a bizarre idea but matches the event horizon material bubbles being created in my dream on 03-24-2018 in black holes. Apparently there is a current line of thought that all information about every object entering a black hole is stored in the event horizon of the black hole because it cannot be destroyed. Therefore, my event horizon material, black hole bubbles totally provides all the information the holographic universe bubble needs to project a holographic image of at least a partial universe!

I never thought about a projection of the event horizon material on the surface of the black hole bubbles becoming a holographic universe inside the bubble.

I felt our universe was more likely to exist in the space between three, touching black hole bubbles on their journey towards singularity. My idea explains the expansion of the universe because, as the three black hole bubbles touching each other move closer towards singularity they contract due to the increased pressure on the black hole bubbles. As the black hole bubbles are compressed and drift apart the space in-between the black hole bubbles would expand at a faster and faster rate- like we have already observed in our universe.

I don't think the holographic image universe explains the ever increase expansion of our universe.

The popularity of the new holographic universe model does explain to me why my
03-24-2018 What If There Are Bubbles Inside Black Holes blog is the fifth most read blog of mine since I started blogging in 2005. This holographic universe idea has apparently become quite popular!

Wait, maybe there is something to this holographic universe idea! 

My idea of a flat universe created between three black hole bubbles touching each other inside a black hole somehow reminds me of the three HDTV Red, Green, Blue input cables required to replicate an image of the universe on a TV screen! Conclusion- I think a little differently than most people do.
A cathode-ray tube (CRT) is inherently nonlinear: The luminance produced at the face of the display is a nonlinear function of each (R′, G′, and B′) voltage input.

I have to finish the random thought about the three HDTV input cables reminding me of my three black hole bubble universe. I thought about why on earth these three cables popped in my head when discussing black hole universes. It dawned on me the cross section of the three HDTV input cables bunched together look like three circles touching each other and the power going through the three cables from the cathode ray voltage source looks like all the energy falling into a black hole rushing perpendicular towards the three circles bunched together floating towards singularity.. If each black hole bubble is wrapped in a 2-D template with all the information making up the event horizon matter that created each black hole bubble, the end result is a combined stream of three holographic images generated from the three black hole bubbles with event horizon information on their black hole bubble surfaces. An image of this combined, three black hole bubble generated from each bubbles event horizon information could become a single holographic image generated perpendicular to the event horizon surface of the three black hole bubbles where the external Blue Green, Red voltage hits the three black hole bubbles. Essentially you have generated a single HDTV Red, Blue, Green cable image. Each black hole bubble has 2-D Universe template information wrapped around each black hole bubble, The HDTV image is generated perpendicular to the surfaces of each of the three touching black hole bubbles! This image with the combined event horizon information in it would appear in the space between the three black hole bubbles!


Interesting idea. So maybe it takes three neuron cells bunched together and touching each other to make a single complex image in the brain when you are dreaming. Maybe all images stored in the brain are a combination of "Red", "Green" and "Blue" neuron "bubbles" bunched together so they touch each other and produce output that inherently nonlinear!

Okay I've taken this idea far enough. :-)

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