Saturday, April 13, 2019

04-13-2019 Dream Of A Group Of Gussied Up Ladies Waving To Me

I had a dream in the early morning of 04-13-2019. About 10 to 12 ladies were standing on a wide set of steps in two even rows. They were all dressed in the same tannish/peach dresses and fancy, flowery hats- like they just came out of church on Easter Sunday during the early 1950s when they wore such attire to church.

It was a simple dream. They seemed to know I was looking at them.  They all cheerily waved to me with enthusiasm at the same time.

Very strange dream. I can just look at the context I am in and try to gleam some meaning. This is the weekend before Easter. Easter signifies a time of renewal.

Perhaps this dream is an encouraging sign the rest of this year is going to be full of joy!

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