Wednesday, March 13, 2019

03-14-2019 Working From Your Car And Sampopilo

I had a strange dream in the early morning of 03-14-2019. There were several executives of a company discussing excessive costs for computer software support in their company. The IT manager said there had been many “fires” to put out due to glitches in the computer software this past month. Some other higher level executive replied, “I see most of the support was done from their cars.”

My logical, conscious mind kicked in and deduced this dream may be a hint of how computing support for companies will be achieved in the future. Cars will be fully tied to the internet and support employees will be able to respond to computer issues directly from their cars.

I asked myself who on the other side is feeding me all these glimpses of the future. A subconscious reply came back, “Sampopilo!”

No idea who this was. Never heard the name before.

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