Saturday, March 09, 2019

03-09-2019 A Clever Tale of Spies Intent On The Prize

I had a dream in the early morning of 03-09-2019 I found very disturbing.

The dream I had was clear and detailed like scenes from a movie. There were about ten soldiers in a weather worn, wood barn with large, open barn doors. Three or four soldiers were hovered around a waist high crate. The leader of the little group gave orders to the other soldiers around the crate to ship the prized possession in the crate to "headquarters" so they could reverse engineer the machine and understand the prized, new technology the machine in the crate held.

The next scene in the dream jumped to a later time in the day when the leader was outside the barn with the rest of his soldiers. Suddenly they opened fire on the soldiers in the barn assigned to moving the crate to headquarters and killed all of them. The leader who ordered the soldiers shot said he could not leave any loose ends. Apparently the soldiers in the barn were double agents who had crossed enemy lines to obtain the highly valued machine in the crate.

The next scene in the dream showed a lone soldier come around a corner of the barn and saw that his buddies in the barn had been shot. Quickly he figured out who had shot them and fired several rounds from his automatic weapon at the killers of his friends- killing them all.

The next scene panned in on a soldier in a very high tree fairly far away from the barn. With a good view of what was going on at the scene around the barn, the sole scout soldier in the tree carelessly pointed his automatic weapon at the single soldier still alive at the barn and shot several rounds at the lone soldier- shooting him dead. Unfortunately, the combined facts of being precariously perched in a tree with a powerful, automatic weapon with a severe recoil made the lone scout fall out of the tree to his death.

The final scene showed the crate, with the highly valued machine in it, all alone in the barn with no one to move it or use the highly valued machine's technology in any way.

What a waste of life for a stupid machine. Was the highly valued machine really worth the death of all the soldiers tasked to retrieve it from the enemy?

I think this dream is a warning. With all the complex technology available to powerful leaders of countries they are all lost on winning the prize. They all want to have it their way without compromise at the expense of wiping out all their followers (soldiers)!

Not an ideal situation for the survival of people in this world!

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