Friday, November 30, 2018

11-30-2017 Alaskan 7.0 Earthquake Matches My 10-21-2018 "Unsettled Feelings Regarding An Imminent Earthquake.

The devastating 11-30-2018 7.0 earthquake near Anchorage Alaska certainly matches my unsettled feelings regarding an imminent earthquake. Interviewed Anchorage, Alaskan residents were very shaken up and said it was the worst earthquake they had ever been through and they get many earthquakes.

I am starting to feel like I need to be more careful about where I put fragile items because I have the unsettling feeling there is going to be a major earthquake coming my way soon.

I am not claiming to be able to predict when earthquakes happen. I am just expressing my unusual, subconscious feelings a major earthquake may happen sooner than later near me.

Update: 11/30/2018 There Was A Major Earthquake

I wouldn't be surprised if we have more earthquakes on the West coast of the US/Canada. Although I haven’t payed too much attention in the past on Alaskan quakes, I have a general theory severe earthquakes on the west coast start South America off of Chile and start working their way up north on the west coast every few months or years to California, then Oregon and then Washington. This theory is based on random observation of severe earthquakes for the last couple of decades. It isn't a well documented theory but I know I am good at picking out less obvious patterns regarding things I observe over the years. Severe earthquake patterns on the west coast of North and South America is one of those random observations I've made in the past. Fact is Alaska has a ton of severe earthquakes each year though.

A quick look online shows the following history of severe earthquakes in CA, OR, WA and Alaska. The data below is not a linear line of severe earthquake from south to north on the west coast of North America. My theory was wrong! It looks like a severe Alaskan earthquake might spawn severe earthquakes in Washington state and severe earthquakes in California spawn earthquakes in Oregon and Washington. So maybe we will have a severe earthquake in Washington state within a year or so based on the 11-30-2018 severe Alaskan earthquake.

3-27-1964 Alaska  9.2 on Richter Scale
4-29-1965 WA 6.7
10-17-1989 CA 6.9
3-25-1993 OR 5.8
1-17-1994 CA 6.9
2-28-2001 WA 6.8
11-30-2018 Alaska 7.0

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