Monday, November 19, 2018

11-19-2018 Swarms of Small Earthquakes On West Coast In Past 30 Days

I like to look at the status of current earthquakes in my area on the West Coast of the US once in awhile.

Sometimes my mind starts racing with questions from the facts gathered on a subject I think should be studied more due to the impact on human lives.

For example, I wonder if all the heat from the California fires has an effect on the tectonic movement of earth's crust. If the tectonic plate off the west coast of the US is going under the west coast of California, for example, then it stands to reason if the earth above it is less heavy due to being dried out by California fires then it should be easier for the tectonic plate to slide under the West Coast of California causing a rash of earthquakes to occur after the fires.

Another relationship to study is the correlation between the earthquakes occurring in a straight line from the North East corner of California to the Yellowstone National Park and future earthquakes on the west coast of the US. There is a line of old calderas between NE California and Yellowstone from past eruptions. My thought is, if there is a series of recent earthquakes occurring in a line from NE California to Yellowstone National Park it is building up potential energy to be released in a series of ,possibly more serious, earthquakes somewhere west of the NE California to Yellowstone old calderas line because there is a piece of the Western US Continent drifting from the south to the north from California to Washington state in the US.

We need to study these types of earthquake relationships based on previous eruptions along known fault lines on the continental coasts of the world. A correlation study of earthquakes occurrences in known areas of tectonic movement  could save human lives in the future from disastrous earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.

Update: 11-23-2018 Not a coincidence there is highly emotional actions being taken by members of the government after I wrote this blog...
Ocasio-Cortez on climate change report: People will die if we don't act now

The idea is simple, if you build up pressure at the northern tip of a triangular section of the western coast of the US drifting northward that point of built up pressure is going to move a lot of the triangle drifting northward once the point of pressure is released! I am not sure where the pressure points of the Western US Coastal tectonic plates moving north are. If the picture below of earthquakes in the past thirty days is any indication they would be off the coast of northern California, USA and off the coast of Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada.


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