Friday, September 28, 2018

09-28-2018 Odd Dream About Helping A Man With A Baby From India

I had an odd dream on the morning of the 26th of September. There was this man from India carrying a baby in a downtown district of a large city with modern, silver colored sky scrapers.
I bumped into him as I floated freely up a steep slope he was climbing. He saw me floating freely in the air. I felt sorry for him because he was older- probably early seventies. I helped him by carrying his baby as I continued to float up the hill in mid-air. Somehow I lost sight of the elderly man and decided to wait for him at the top of the hill in what appeared to be a large, modern bank building with lots of large windows facing the street. I became concerned and started looking for the elderly man down the street. I noticed the baby needed a diaper change and was getting chilled as I quickly walked down the street. I saw the man sitting on a patch of grass above a four foot high concrete support wall off the city sidewalk. He was at the edge of a city park. The elderly man saw me and started to get up with a big smile on his face. There were two mean men leaning on the four foot support wall in front of him on the city sidewalk. As soon as they saw him get up they blocked his path and wouldn't let him go anywhere. I panicked, turned around and ran back to the bank building with the baby cradled in my arms. I immediately thought of the human trafficking problem in the world and was determined to protect the baby.

Then I woke up.

Very clear, convoluted, dream.

I have no idea what it means at this point other than it was very concerning to all of a sudden have an orphan baby with me and mean men blocking the path to the owner of the baby. I know banks are where your highly valued items are stored so it makes sort of sense that is where I would take the baby for safekeeping.

Scary dream!

Update 10-09-2018: Wow! Very good news! Mere coincidence my dream of child abduction was just thirteen days ago-I doubt it....Authorities find 123 missing children in just ONE day during a Michigan sex trafficking operation
Authorities find 123 missing children in just ONE day during a Michigan sex trafficking operation 

Update 10-07-2018: What is the chance I read an article regarding the abduction and sale of a baby eleven days after I have the dream above?

Ref. Mexican couple confesses to killing 10 women, selling baby

"A couple has confessed to killing at least 10 women in a gritty Mexico City suburb and selling the baby of one of the victims.
The arrests were announced Friday by Alejandro Gomez, attorney general of the State of Mexico, which borders the capital, Reuters reported.
The man and the woman were arrested Thursday as they left a house in Ecatepec pushing a baby carriage.
A search of the carriage turned up dismembered human body parts the pair intended to dispose of in a nearby vacant lot, police said.
A search of the lot turned up more body parts.
Police said the couple acknowledged disposing of other bodies in a similar fashion. They told police they sold one of the dead women’s 2-month-old baby girl to another couple, who were arrested. The baby was returned to her grandmother.
Cops suspected the man and the woman because they knew three women who had disappeared over the last five months.
Mexico State, which borders Mexico City to the east, north and west, has suffered from waves of women’s killings in recent years. While it is unclear how widespread trafficking of children is in Mexico, the Network for Children’s Rights in Mexico estimates that an average of four minors disappear every day in Mexico."

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