Wednesday, September 26, 2018

09-26-2018 Dream of Cougars With An Attitude Attacking Humans

I had a dream early this morning. It was about cougars and how they are starting to show more aggressive behavior towards humans. The dream was seen through the eyes of specific cougars who had adopted a careless and aggressive behavior towards humans. It was as if they consciously decided they were not going to take any more from humans and sought out revenge against humans.

Recently, in the news, it was reported two people were aggressively attacked and killed by cougars in Washington and Oregon. These disturbing cougar attacks are what probably spawned the dream.

The cougar attitude dream is noteworthy because the dream occurred near the 24th of the month which is my peak time each month for predictive dreams. It was a strange dream because I could see through the eyes of specific cougars and understand what they were feeling from their point of view.

I am concerned this is a warning of more deaths to come from cougar attacks.  

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