Friday, April 06, 2018

Update 04-06-2018 to  03-28-2018 Dream of "Unimportance" and a Pharaoh dream.

Okay what is the chance I would see a sign like this on a random walk in Bend, Oregon after having a random dream of "Unimportance" nine days earlier?

How many times do you see "You Matter! Don't Give Up!" signs in someone's front yard?

I had a dream the early morning of 03-28-2018. In my dream I was thinking about how to add the latest and greatest ideas from this blog into the book I already published (

In my dream, I said to myself, "Why put out the effort. I am unimportant in the grand scheme of things." I envisioned myself as a miniscule speck within the seven plus billion people there are in the world.

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