Thursday, March 29, 2018

03-28-2018 Dream of "Unimportance" and a Pharaoh

Update 04-06-2018: Okay what is the chance I would see a sign like this on a random walk in Bend, Oregon after having a random dream of "Unimportance" nine days earlier? How many times do you see "You Matter! Don't Give Up!" signs in someone's front yard?

I had a dream the early morning of 03-28-2018. In my dream I was thinking about how to add the latest and greatest ideas from this blog into the book I already published (

In my dream, I said to myself, "Why put out the effort. I am unimportant in the grand scheme of things." I envisioned myself as a miniscule speck within the seven plus billion people there are in the world.

The next scene in my dream projected a picture, from the left side, of an extremely old, tall (over seven feet tall), thin man dressed in a long gown with a simple staff in his right hand. He looked like the pharaoh in the picture below from the "Night at the Museum" movie- except taller, thinner and much older. His face was unusually elongated from brow to chin.

The pharaoh quickly came out of a large cavern entrance on a bluff overlooking a desert. From the side view of him, I could see blue writing on his jaw and neck area. Also, it almost looked like his face was stitched together in a patchwork fashion with rough stitching.

Right after I said, "Why put out the effort. I am unimportant in the grand scheme of things.", the pharaoh said, "You ARE important!". He pound his staff once on the ground to emphasize the  commitment to his words. His words were spoken with almost an angry tone- like I should never argue with what he said! The dream ended.

Conclusion: This dream is pretty bizarre. Where did this pharaoh come from? All I know from my dream is I better update my "My Subconscious Mind" book with my latest findings without questioning why I should do it, ever, because I AM important!


Images of pharaoh in night at the museum mo…
Image result for pharaoh in night at the museum movie

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