Wednesday, December 13, 2017

12-13-2017 Dream of Disturbing Double Entendres

I woke up and looked at the clock on 12-13-2017 at 1:39 AM. The dream I just had before I woke up was very prophetic and disturbing. I looked at the clock because I knew it was the thirteenth day of the month.

The number thirteen represents a point of significance in my journey through life and can indicate a point of renewal in life. If you add the numbers from the time I woke up (1:39) you get 13 (1 + 3 + 9 = 13).

I don't think it is a coincidence I wake up on the 13th of the month at a time where all the digits of the time I wake up add up to the number 13. It means the dream I woke up from is a significant dream.

There were two main characters in the dream. The characters were traveling through space and they did not trust each other. I got the feeling they were enemies.

This dream was full of double entendres. The two characters would say one thing but really mean something else when they spoke to each other. I can't remember what they said.

One of the two space travelers was piloting the spaceship. At some point in their journey through space, the other space traveler commandeered the space ship and started traveling back to where they came from.

My subconscious mind was trying to make sense of all the treachery and double entendre messages being relayed, back and forth, between the two space travelers. During my dream, my subconscious mind came to the conclusion there was some sort of war being brewed between the two space travelers' two countries. My subconscious concluded the war about to break out was one that could end all existence of either country or the whole world they both lived on.

Before I woke up there were four characters involved in the dream's plot and they were all trying to get back to their families to say a final goodbye before heading off to war. One of the characters was not human- it was some other sort of animal.

I think this dream was heavily influenced by the knowledge the latest Star Wars movie is just hitting the movie theaters the week this dream occurred.

Regardless of the link to the Star Wars movie, I still felt deeply disturbed by the dream. I do not feel safe in the world right now and my dream is revealing a brewing world war that is going to break out and possibly destroy the world!

This is the second dream I have had in the past week or so where it makes my feel unsafe where I live.

Reference: Double Entendre - Examples and Definition - Literary Devices
Double Entendre Definition. A double entendre is a literary device that can be defined as a phrase or a figure of speech that might have multiple senses,
interpretations or two different meanings or that could be understood in two different ways

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