Friday, December 08, 2017

12-08-2017 Sonar Pulses Generated from Humans with No Mouths!

I had a dream the early morning of 12-08-2017. I was at a class reunion of some sort. There were people monitoring a "tunnel" and the air space surrounding the class reunion location. The people monitoring had skin over where their mouth should have been. These mouthless people were able to generate sonar sound pulses, like dolphins do, through their mouthless skin membrane. They were monitoring any unknown objects entering the "tunnel" or violating the air space surrounding the class reunion.


No idea what it means. I will look on the internet for dreams like this with the key words tunnel, air space, mouthless humans, sonar pulses, dolphins and class reunion.

Best Guess Based on a Quick Internet Search: I am concerned, in the future, the may be some unknown objects (North Korea Missiles?) violating a tunnel or air space where I live causing my possible death. The interesting part is my dream specifically relates this subconscious fear to a specific date in the future when my class reunion occurs. Class reunions are either every five years or every ten years. Every five years would be now or every ten years would be 2022 for my next class reunion!

Update 12-11-2017 Could this be what I was dreaming about- subway bombing in New York?
An explosion was reported Monday near the Port Authority Bus Terminal, sending early morning commuters scrambling.
The NYPD said it's investigating the incident, and have cleared out the A, C and E subway lines that sit beneath the building.
The alleged blast also shuttered the 1, 2 and 3 subway lines and locked down the area around the bus depot, which is between West 40th and West 42nd Sts. and Eighth and Ninth Aves.

Mouth dreams: "If in your dream you cannot open your mouth, this is the omen of a danger of death." Reference
Mouth Dreams

Tunnel DreamsTransition symbols in dreams such as a cave, hole, tunnel, or a hallway can lead one into the unconscious and a transformed state. When Alice fell down the rabbit hole she entered a period of confusion and chaos, a place of change and transformation. A tunnel in a dream speaks to a pathway you may have created into your unconscious, a opening to your innermost feelings and memories. It can also be the way to a birth of something (a rebirth or resurrection of something) as in the birth canal. Where does it lead?

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