Tuesday, October 24, 2017

10-24-2017 Inventory of Money Makers and Substance Abuse of Movie Stars

Update 10-27-2017: Is it a coincidence President Trump signed "a presidential memorandum to declare the opioid crisis a national public health emergency" on Thursday, 10-26-2017?

This real event happened two days after my dream in this blog. Is the President's signing of a special declaration of a national public health emergency on the opioid drug crisis and the occurrence of my "Substance Abuse" dream two days earlier a coincidence?

I don't think so.

Referenced Article: 
President Trump departs after signing a presidential memorandum to declare the opioid crisis a national public health emergency Thursday

Original Blog Entry:

I had an odd dream in the early morning on 10-24-2017. The 24th of the month tends to be when I have predictive dreams about future events I will experience.

I have taken a ton of statistics classes in college. It kind of makes sense my subconscious mind might lean towards doing something like this...but not really anything I would do in my normal waking hours.

In my dream, I started inventorying how much each movie star made for every movie they ever did in the past fifty years. I felt a feeling of disgust at the amount some of the movie stars made for their role in movies. Then my subconscious mind jumped to inventorying how many movie stars in the past fifty years had substance abuse (drugs, alcohol) problems. I was, again, disgusted at the number of movie stars who have or have had substance abuse problems.

My subconscious conclusion was there is a silent epidemic of substance abuse problems in the movie industry that is being ignored.

We'll see if a future event I will experience supports the conclusions I came up with in this dream. This dream may seem to be a pretty obvious issue but I can only report what I am dreaming without embellishing at all.

The key issue here is my subconscious is telling me the substance abuse problem among movie stars is being ignored.

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