Thursday, October 05, 2017

10-05-2017 Emotions are the Key To Understanding A New Level of Reality.

I just updated my 10-01-2017 blog 10-01-2017 Feeling Extremely Vulnerable

The last three days I have been having nightmares. I never have nightmares.

I feel like we are living in a rainbow of space and vulnerable, so temporary.

Update 10-05-2017: No wonder I feel vulnerable. Some mad man just opened fire on a crowd of concert goers from their 32nd story hotel room in Las Vegas. They killed 58 people and injured over 450 more. This horrid event happened the same night after this blog was written. Reference: Las Vegas shooting - CBS News
CBS News2 days ago
A gunman opened fire on the crowd at a music festival Oct. 1, 2017, killing at least 58 in the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.


Then, I personally caught pneumonia two days after I wrote the 10-01-2017 blog entry,

The key take away from this blog entry is emotions transcend space and time. I have been able to detect emotional events from the past, present and future for over twelve years now. I am convinced emotions are the key area of research we can pursue to understand a new level of reality at a quantum physics level of existence.

This is my scientific conclusion based on observation.

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