Wednesday, July 26, 2017

07-26-2017 Dream of Intense Fires Around the World Spawns A Study For Prevention

I had a dream in the early morning of 07-26-2017. There were intense fires in a swath of European and Asian countries. There was a fear all the fires would connect into a giant fire storm and wreak havoc from Russia to Spain and beyond!

My subconscious mind showed the result of the fear as a jet stream force wind originating in Russia connected together all the fires happening in different countries from Russia to Spain. A fireball jumped the Mediterranean in Spain over to  Africa and kept going!

Most of the dream was about how a quickly formed, multi-national committee was created to study the possible damage from such a scenario happening and how they struggled to define actionable items to recommend from their analysis.

Kind of crazy.

How this dream occurred was a stitching of three emotional items I experienced the day before. I read the latest National Geographic article about a man's journal staying up in the space station. He saw areas of Asia where the air was so polluted it looked "sick", to him, from space. Then I realized the intense fires in central British Columbia may affect my breathing due to my asthma when I go to a family reunion up in British Columbia, Canada- later this summer. Then I remembered the horrible fires in the Western states of the US. The whole state of Washington was filled with smoke and I had trouble breathing and felt a little panicked because wherever I went in Washington state I couldn't escape the smoke in the air.

My subconscious mind stitched all these facts together and came up with what could be someone's PhD thesis on how a giant fire storm from Russia to Spain could be a possibility we need to be prepared for!

Update 08-01-2017: Some intense fires in Canada sent smoke, for a couple of days, down to Seattle because the winds from the West to East were absent and winds from the North East to the South West pushed the smoke down to the Northwest States. The North East to South West flow of smoke from fire across countries matches the dream in this blog! The result of this flow is alarming!

This is what Seattle looked like on 08-01-2017. Intense smoke!

Update 08-05-2017: Model of Smoke from Canadian Fires. Definitely shows how the smoke from different fires in Canada connect and morph across the North American continent.
Canadian Fire Smoke Model

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