Friday, July 07, 2017

07-07-2017 Dream Facebook and Amazon Join Forces

I had a dream the early morning of 07-07-2017. Amazon and Facebook joined forces to offer a personalized, calendar based sales and marketing offering to Facebook accounts. The idea is you advertise products from Amazon on a Facebook calendar. The items you advertise are by specific events or milestones, happening on specific times, during the calendar year, in your life.

For example, if you are getting married soon you create a calendar based Facebook website with various tabs to identify items you are selling with a wedding theme. The scope is huge because of the complexity of a wedding. You may have a tab promoting specific hotels to stay in for the wedding, specific items on Amazon you would like as a gift and specific wedding travel packages with food, lodging and gadget recommendations. You would get money from  any sales to help pay for the wedding.

Sounds like a good idea to me!

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