Monday, October 03, 2016

10-03-2016 Our Blood Splatter Universe

I forgot to mention where I dreamt up the image of our universe and beyond.

My doctor told me when blood hits water it explodes. I remember seeing an image of blood splatter hitting water and it looked like the following drawing.

Makes sense to me.

You could think of blood as the anti-matter core exploding into a foreign substance (space). I would think anti-matter explodes further when it hits "space" because they don't mix leaving a wasteland of elementary particles we know as our universe. Also, blood exists in a highly compressed state in blood vessels being pumped around our bodies. My model of a dark matter/anti-matter core also lives in a highly compressed state.

Therefore when anti-matter explodes it probably looks like blood exploding in water!

I couldn't find any pictures of blood splatter in water but you can get an idea of the image by combining the following images of blood and water splatter.

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My Model of the Universe and Beyond

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