Tuesday, September 22, 2015

09-22-2015 Significant Pattern of Predictive Dreams Occurring in Real Life On Same Day of the Month Many Months After the Predictive Dream.

Our existence and future appears to be highly quantifiable.

I just read the October 2015 issue of National Geographic regarding "A New Ancestor Shakes Up Our Family Tree".

Based on my previous experiences with predictive dreams, I was curious when the discovery of this new human cousin of ours was found.

Sure enough the 9-13-2013 date of discovery matches the exact day of the month my blog entry's dream 12-13-2014 More Evidence of a Super Human Race with matching key words to the H. naledi discovery like "More Evidence", "Human Race".

My other "human species" dream occurred on 6-12-2013. One day before the day of the 9-13-2013 and exactly three months before the discovery of H. naledi occurred!!

A significant pattern of predictive dreams having key words matches to events occurring on the same subject as my dream in real life often happen on the same day of the month many months after the dream occurs.

As mentioned the 12-13-2014 More Evidence of a Super Human Race?, the 12th or 13th day of the month is when real life events occur with predictive dreams I have months earlier.

My logical brain also noted the fact the date of this dream, 12-13-2014, is a date screaming out "around the 12th or 13th!!!!". The number 13 has been of great significance in my life's journey for some reason. Significant, real life events happen to me around the 12th or 13th day of any given month! One dream I had proposed my whole life revolves around the number 12 or 13. I noticed the previously referenced dream of "Mowgli" type super humans happened on  "June 12, 2013"...There is a freaky numbers game going on  with the days of the month, specifically 12 and 13, right?...or am I going crazy???

Too freaky for me to handle. I would go crazy trying to pay attention to every day details proving my whole life revolves around one or two numbers but the pattern of significant, real life events around the 12th or 13th of each month keeps popping up so it is hard to completely ignore

Reference: https://www.wikipedia.org/ 

Discovery of fossils in "Dinaledi Chamber"[edit]

Illustration of the Dinaledi Chamber within Rising Star Cave, where bones proposed to be from H. naledi were excavated
On 13 September 2013 while exploring the Rising Star cave system, Rick Hunter and Steven Tucker found a narrow, vertically oriented "chimney" or "chute" measuring 12 m (39 ft) long with an average width of 20 cm (7.9 in).[2][8][9][10]
Then Hunter discovered a room 30 m (98 ft) underground (Site U.W. 101, the Dinaledi Chamber), the surface of which was littered with fossil bones.The site and its fossils discovered on 13 September 2013 by Tucker and Hunter, were part of an exploration organised by geologist and bone hunter Pedro Boshoff.(Hunter and Tucker - both members of Speleological Exploration Club of South Africa (SEC), were working with scientists from the University of the Witwatersrand, when they discovered the Dinaledi Chamber and the first specimens of H. naledi.[9][11]

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