Wednesday, September 09, 2015

09-09-2015 An Alien Issue in an Alternate Reality

I had a very complicated dream in the early morning of 09-09-2015.

It was about a shrimp-like alien about a foot long. It was a vicious and scary thing up close in my dream.

There were people in my dream who finally figured out a way to get rid of these vicious, shrimp-like aliens. I saw the aliens viciously attack people on their chests. In my dream there were images of these aliens suddenly disappearing off of the victims they were attacking.

Then I had images in my dream of people comparing what I was seeing in my dream to what the actual process these people were using to whisk away the the vicious, shrimp-like aliens when they were attacking people in their world.

They said my dream was missing images of the "port" device they used to really get rid of the aliens.

I could then see the "port" device they said was missing in my dreams. The "port" device was about a half inch square and three inches long. It looked like some sort of electronic device covered in black plastic.

While the people in my dream were reviewing my dream images, I distinctly remember one of them asking, "What is the difference?"

Then another person in my dream said, "They (my dream images) are missing the 'port'".

I've run across this type of dream before. I have dreams of people who seem to exist in an alternate reality from our own.

My dreams somehow become a part of their alternate reality and they can see me or see what I am seeing in my dream!

Often I have noticed when these alternate reality folks find out what they are seeing isn't "real" they freak out (get very scared) or get very irritated and start yelling at me.

They don't like the fact my dreams are violating their "alternate reality" space!

It seemed like the "alternate reality" people in this dream were trying to figure out a way of determining if what they were seeing was real or if I was invading their alternate reality with images from my dreams! I don't think they knew I was just dreaming all of this.

Pretty strange stuff.

I don't know what to make of these dreams but I seem to keep violating this "alternate reality" every once in awhile when I dream. Unfortunately I don't think I can prevent my dreams from jumping over to their alternate reality.

I apologize for that! :-)

Update 9-13-2015: On 9-10-2015, I read an article about crayfish (look a bit like large shrimp) killing off the "Newt" population in Crater Lake, OR. This article happened to match images and actions in my dream.


Invasive crayfish in Oregon devastate native newts

At Crater Lake, the National Park Service is seeking solutions — but it could be too late.

"...Over the past century, crayfish — aka crawfish, crawdads, or, if you study invasive species, “aquatic cockroaches” — have colonized lakes and streams from California to Taipei. In some places, as in Crater Lake, they were introduced deliberately to control weeds or feed fish; in others, they arrived accidentally as bait. They are, in many respects, the perfect invader: hardy, omnivorous, aggressive. “They have those big claws, and they’re really good at essentially brutalizing other animals,” says Jake Vander Zanden, a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison who has waged war against crayfish in midwestern lakes..."

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