Sunday, September 01, 2013

8-31-2013 An Outright Prediction of the Future: Virtual Golf Takes Off in Popularity

Update 6-23-2017: I was curious to see what was out on the internet these days for virtual golf offerings since I noticed people were recently viewing my old blog from 8-31-2013. Found this link. shows a video of lights with white dots of light surrounded by a light grey background and blue/grey dimpled dots matching the dimpled, grey dots I had in my  dream. This company claims to be the standard now for indoor, virtual golf. Really, the whole short video matches key words in my dream. Pretty amazing considering these images off the internet are four years later and captured the 23rd day of the month near the 24th day of the month which is my birthday as my "Birthday Phenomena" predicts!

Update 03-31-2014: It is interesting I am writing this update exactly eight months after the original blog. Didn't really plan that.

Just noting Facebook is investing big bucks to buy a virtual reality development company...

Reference: Facebook in $2 Billion Deal for Virtual Reality Company

I had a dream on 8-31-2013. It was very detailed. Some content I was really not very familiar with. I don't get too many dreams like this. Last one I had predicted the comeback of cars with big black stripes down the middle of them. That is a reality today. No reason I had that dream at the time. So I believe this dream is like that.

The popularity of virtual golf is going to sky rocket for the retired baby boomers. Here are the details I saw in my dream...

There is a place you go to play virtual golf. The golf range is simply a large empty room about the size of a small theater with a two tiered platform to swing your golf club. The golfing range room (where you swing your club) was not fancy. Where you stood to swing your club was just made of 4' x 8' rough plywood sheets painted with an off white semi-gloss paint. I was confused with this image in my dream but when I woke up in the morning and thought about it I decided this room might be used to project a holographic image of a golf course the customer is engulfed in when it is their turn to play. It is interesting my subconscious decided to just show the bare room instead of the holographic image.

So you have to go to a place to play virtual golf and you wait in a big conference room for your tee time. One person told me he found out he can get a better score by exaggerating his follow through swing of the golf club.

There were two three other images I had in this dream. I can remember the image of a fairly large kitchen and another image of some sort of computer screen with three rows of what appeared to be large, dimpled, grey dots. The first two rows had about 6 to 9 dots on them and the third row had one dot. I didn't understand this dot image during my dream. When I woke up I decided the screen with the dots was telling me what golf hole I was on. Update 9/2/2013: There was a third image. Looked like a covered loading dock with a slightly sloped floor. There was no outside wall. Didn't seem very important but it was in the dream.

Interesting idea. Certainly saves watering grass. The number of virtual golf courses you could play is almost limitless!

I think it is a good idea and can see why it will become very popular!

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