Monday, April 25, 2022

04-25-2022 A Voice In My Head Responded To A Thought I Had.

 I feel like I am more in tune with listening to fleeting voices in my head and paying close attention to strange dreams I have.

When I am getting a voice in my head responding immediately to the last thought I just had it still feels a little unnerving.

On the afternoon of 04-25-2022, I closed my eyes to take a little nap.

I had just placed a notebook on the nightstand and closed my eyes thinking,

    "I don't know why I placed a notebook beside my bed just now."

I got an immediate response.

The response was quick so I clearly remember the last half of the statement- in fact, I wrote it down before trying to take my quick nap.

    "Ji saves the world."

 I was sure of the spelling for Ji when I wrote the message.

I think the full statement I heard in my head was,

    "You may have to write down how Ji saves the world."

I did a quick search on the internet for "Ji saves the world."

Wow! This may be a profound statement about the future or something profound that happened in the past. 

I have never heard of the word 'Ji' before.

What does this mean? Who is this person? Answer found: Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

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