This is how the angels work when you listen:
You get a message from an angel by listening to the voices or other signs around you. If you listen and try your best to complete this task the angel gave you, then you are again sent a sign of confirmation. I got plenty of them after completing the below blog. Confirmation of what I wrote showed me how important my own insight to the vision I had really was!
Here are the confirmation signs:
1) I feel a pull to read the following article without knowing anything about the contents.
Program solves scientific problem in ‘stunning advance’ for understanding machinery of life
Read in The Guardian:
Shared from Apple News
Protein folding has been a grand challenge in biology for 50 years. An arcane form of molecular origami, its importance is hard to overstate. Most biological processes revolve around proteins and a protein’s shape determines its function. When researchers know how a protein folds up, they can start to uncover what it does. How insulin controls sugar levels in the blood and how antibodies fight coronavirus are both determined by protein structure."
"Scientists have identified more than 200m proteins but structures are known for only a fraction of them. Traditionally, the shapes are discovered through meticulous lab work that can take years. And while computer scientists have made headway on the problem, inferring the structure from a protein’s makeup is no easy task. Proteins are chains of amino acids that can twist and bend into a mind-boggling variety of shapes: a googol cubed, or 1 followed by 300 zeroes.?
3) A ray of sunshine shone through the shuttered windows as I woke up from a short nap on 03-20-2021. At the time I woke up I was thinking about the visions of a field full of happy dogs I saw in a dream I had while napping. I then thought of all the signs I was getting lately from angels to write articles about my QHHT visions and the angel's clear and concise message "This is your jihad."
That is when a sliver of sunlight shone on my hands that happened to be resting on my heart from the shuttered window above my bed.
Reference Blogs:
• 1.the Japanese art of folding paper into decorative shapes and figures:"an expert in origami"
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History of origami - Wikipedia › wiki › History_of_origami
The first Japanese origami was used for religious ceremonial purposes only, due to the high price of paper. [3] A reference in a poem by Ihara Saikaku from 1680 describes the origami butterflies used during Shinto weddings to represent the bride and groom. [4]
Cosmologists Clash Over the Beginning of the Universe | WIRED
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