Saturday, February 20, 2021

02-20-2021 What Happens If You Spin A Beam Of Light In A Tight Circle?

An idea popped in my head on the morning of 02-20-2021 (multiple 02s in the date, What does that mean?) I was thinking about the dream I had when an entity asked me to do a spin in my energy state (no physical body). When I did a spin it revealed separated colors of light- giving her an idea of my dominant colors (or energy signature) Exactly three years and eleven months later an idea pops in my head,

"What does happen when you spin a beam of light (or any type of energy for that matter) in a tight circle? Does centrifugal force somehow reveal the unique energy signature of the beam of light like a prism does? What happens if you shine two beams of light directly at one another and then spin each beam of light at high speeds in opposite directions? Does something strange happen at the opposite spinning beams of lights' collision point?"

Maybe we should check it out!

Update 02-27-2021:

There has been some scientific analysis of the spin of light but I don't really understand what they are saying. I have a feeling my dream is trying to tell me we need to understand the spin of light better to understand how the universe really works.

I found the following..

Spin in unpolarized light defies conventional picture ...

Dec 21, 2020 · Physicists’ understanding of spin has evolved over the past 10 years thanks to the proposal (and later experimental corroboration) of transverse spin – that is, spin on an axis perpendicular to the direction of light propagation. In general, once you get far enough from a light source (or if you use a beam like a laser), light rays propagate

Spin Hall effect of light achieved with near 100% efficiency

Feb 19, 2021 · The spin Hall effect of light (SHEL) refers to a transverse and spin-dependent shift of light to the plane of incidence when it is reflected or refracted at an optical interface. When amplified, it...

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