Friday, December 11, 2020

12-11-2020 Tech Week In My Dreams

 Could be tech week, this week, in my dreams. I just woke up from a 😴 dream on 12-11-2020. I was helping setup a large conference room with localized networking and a large printer before a meeting took place- in my dream. 

Then, the dream jumped to a scene where many attendees were talking fervently about something in a big conference room. Apparently an artificial intelligence (AI) entity was 🎧 listening to every word they said. Magically, when key words were mentioned in the meeting attendees’ conversations,  the huge printer I helped install in the first scene of my dream, on 12-11-2020, printed out a whole paperback book on a subject related to the key words heard by the AI entity in a matter of a couple of minutes with a fancy colored book cover and binding! 

A conference meeting helper quickly went to the printer and placed the book on a table for display in the conference room!

I felt this dream might have been in a parallel world from ours since the paperback book printed out looked like one of the old style paperbacks with the thin paged paper that yellowed quickly with age. 

This dream was spawned by an AI YouTube video put out by PBS. I started watching about how the Chinese, in a matter of two and a half years, have leap-frogged in their knowledge and application of artificial intelligence in the Chinese populations’ everyday life. The facial recognition technology and integration into Chinese society is incredible- and a bit unnerving.

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