Sunday, June 07, 2020

06-07-2020 My Latest Thoughts Regarding “The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch” Series on the History Channel

 The last episode of the “Secret Of SkinWalker Ranch” series on the History Channel was just a summary of the four episodes before. They have started thinking maybe the UFO entities are trying to communicate with them. I also noticed the summary meeting for the last episode was on September 23rd 2019. It is amazing to me they picked a date right at the heart of my most predictive dreams  of actual future events I experience.

I have been watching some other enlightening philosophical and fundamental physics shows. One show I watched introduced the idea both scientists and mystics believe the most fundamental property of "life" in the Universe is simply vibrations. Everything in the universe we are aware of is just a series of  vibrating energy at its most fundamental level of existence. Our brains are really good at recognizing patterns of vibrating energy and filtering out patterns that are beneficial for our physical bodies. There are also standard, repeatable patterns of energy flows in nature used by our body and our mind such as the branching "tree" pattern of our veins and the fibinocci based spiral patterns. 

Recognizing the useful functions of patterns of the full spectrum of vibrating energy is what is needed to advance our civilization to a point where the "aliens" on SkinWalker Ranch could already be at.

The team at SkinWalker Ranch noticed excessively high levels of radio to gamma waves, measured in Hertz with a trimeter, bombarding certain parts of the ranch when odd events are happening like sightings of UFOs, excessive vibrations of the earth when digging and excessive levels of radiation when cows suddenly die.

If the excessive wave activity is coming from a source in space and controlled by a more advanced, alien race I can't help but speculate what the excessive radio to gamma wave activity might mean. It may be very dangerous to be poking around within a field of "rays" controlled by an advanced alien race.

Some quick questions I came up with- some not so serious 😀.

What if an advanced alien race has figured out a way to manipulate time and space by first isolating a portion of SkinWalker ranch within a high energy "bubble" of ALL known frequencies within the radio/light spectrum. The parabolic formations found in the earth may disperse the high energy from space to form a high energy bubble on a portion of the SkinWalker ranch when a portal is needed by the aliens to travel to and from earth. What if this high energy, vibrating bubble of all existing wavelengths creates negative energy to propel objects to other parts of the universe and back at warp drive speed using this "portal" on earth? What if the mysterious large tumor appearing on one of the ranch teams is caused by negative energy literally starting to pull the ranch team's head out into space using the negative energy created in the high level energy bubble by aliens on a portion of the ranch?

These aliens may be creating their own high energy bubble on the SkinWalker Ranch to allow for the manipulation of time and space and creation of negative energy needed to create a warp drive portal!

Update 06/12/2020: I wonder if there is some other-worldly, metal object buried on SkinWalker Ranch somewhere. My logical mind came up with the idea if you had a metal from outer space sensitive to vibrations from the act of digging, for example, it might explain some of the weird, earthshaking, radiation creating symptoms they are seeing on SkinWalker Ranch. Some chemicals are sensitive to vibrations such as nitroglycerin and can result in explosions or other unexpected behavior.


THE FIBONACCI SEQUENCE, SPIRALS AND THE GOLDEN MEAN The Fibonacci sequence exhibits a certain numerical pattern which originated as the answer to an exercise in the first ever high school algebra text. This pattern turned out to have an interest and …

Fibonacci Numbers
List of First 100 Fibonacci Numbers
Fn Number
F0 0
F1 1
F2 1
F3 2
F4 3
F5 5
F6 8
F7 13
F8 21
F9 34
F10 55
F11 89

What does hertz mean?
One hertz simply means "one cycle per second " (typically that which is being counted is a complete cycle); 100 Hz means "one hundred cycles per second", and so on. The unit may be applied to any periodic event—for example, a clock might be said to tick at 1 Hz, or a human heart might be said to beat at 1.2 Hz.

Hertz - Wikipedia

See all results for this question

How many cycles per second to hertz?
Conversions Table. 1 Cycles Per Second to Hertz = 1. 70 Cycles Per Second to Hertz = 70. 2 Cycles Per Second to Hertz = 2. 80 Cycles Per Second to Hertz = 80.

Light Frequencies | HowStuffWorks
The frequency of visible light is referred to as color, and ranges from 430 trillion hertz, seen as red, to 750 trillion hertz, seen as violet. Again, the full range of frequencies extends beyond the visible portion, from less than 3 billion hertz, as in radio waves, to greater than 3 billion billion hertz (3 x …

EMF measurement (

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Electric field probe FP2000 (range 100 kHz – 2500 MHz)
EMF measurements are measurements of ambient (surrounding) electromagnetic fields that are performed using particular sensors or probes, such as EMF meters. These probes can be generally considered as antennas although with different characteristics. In fact probes should not perturb the electromagnetic field and must prevent coupling and reflection as much as possible in order to obtain precise results. There are two main types of EMF measurements:
  • broadband measurements performed using a broadband probe, that is a device which senses any signal across a wide range of frequencies and is usually made with three independent diode detectors;
  • frequency selective measurements in which the measurement system consists of a field antenna and a frequency selective receiver or spectrum analyzer allowing to monitor the frequency range of interest.

Light as Particles · Light as Waves

"The Quantum Hologram and the Nature of Consciousness" by Edgar D. Mitchell, Sc.D. and Robert Staretz, M.S. 2011 (

'Physicists Just Did The "Impossible" And Created a Quantum Hologram" by a group of scientists at the University of Warsaw 2016 (

"Faster-than-light travel: Is warp drive really possible?" by Sara Rigby 2020 (

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