Saturday, May 16, 2020

05-18-2020 Dream Of Hand Mats For Students

I had a short dream in the early morning of 05-16-2020. I was in a darkly lit class room with rows of students sitting along high counters in rows of the class room. The teacher was asking a student whether they had watched the video on "hand mats" yet. The student said yes. In my dream, I thought maybe I was too old to go to all those videos. My logical mind stepped in and said,
"You aren't a part of this world. The teacher probably can't even see you."

When I woke up I thought, "Hand mats. Maybe they are required in each class in the dream world I was in for cleansing. You are required to use your hand mat when entering each classroom due to the packed classroom seating arrangements."

This dream stems from thoughts I have had earlier in the week regarding the idea we are not fully utilizing the full spectrum of energy available to us to make our life easier. The idea is each color in the spectrum of white light may affect living things in different ways that would be beneficial to us. This goes beyond the visible spectrum of light. We need to understand the properties of all levels of energy waves hitting us to take advantage of those properties for different applications- like personal hand mats for cleansing on the go!

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