Friday, May 29, 2020

05-29-2020 New Earthquake Dreams

This is just a placeholder to note I had a dream about a severe earthquake two or three days ago. I can’t remember the details of the dream.

Update 06-23-2020: This 7.4 earthquake is around my most predictive day of the month (the 24th of each month) so I thought it was noteworthy as a possible real event from my dream of an earthquake around 05-26-2020.

A powerful earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck southern Mexico's Pacific coast on Tuesday, killing at least two people, buckling paved roads, and cutting off isolated villages.
The fatalities were near the quake's epicenter in Oaxaca, a mountainous state known for its coffee, mescal and Spanish colonial architecture.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

05-20-2020 Reduced Gamma Wave Activity Causes Visions Of Ghosts?

I was thinking about my previous idea regarding the link between the state of schizophrenia and the ability to see ghosts. From watching some science shows I became aware of gamma waves and how they play a part in human consciousness.

I just verified schizophrenia can be caused by decreased gamma-wave activity- the amplitude of the brain's gamma waves is notably less during schizophrenic events in a person's brain.

Lower amplitude (lower energy) gamma wave activity in schizophrenic patients verifies my idea ghosts can be seen in their native, wave state during schizophrenic episodes in the human brain.

Update 05/22/2020: You could take this idea 💡 one step further and say the balls of light seen as UFO sightings in the sky may be sentient beings from other worlds that have mastered a way to travel in low energy wave forms. Perhaps the balls of UFO light are some sort of “folded” waves of sentient energy.

Right before one of my ghost sightings I heard a loud snap similar to the crackling of static electricity when you are all full of static charge and then touch something metal. This touching metal action releases the static charge built up in your body with a spark and a large snap sound when the spark occurs.

Reference 1:


Decreased gamma-wave activity is observed in schizophrenia. Specifically, the amplitude of gamma oscillations is reduced, as is the synchrony of different brain regions involved in tasks such as visual oddball and Gestalt perception. People with schizophrenia perform worse on these behavioral tasks, which relate to perception and continuous recognition memory.[33] The neurobiological basis of gamma dysfunction in schizophrenia is thought to lie with GABAergic interneurons involved in known brain wave rhythm-generating networks.[34] Antipsychotic treatment, which diminishes some behavioral symptoms of schizophrenia, does not restore gamma synchrony to normal levels.[33]

Reference 2:

I came to the conclusion lack of sleep can cause a schizophrenic state and allow you to see ghosts. I further came to the conclusion the low energy state of being over tired allowed one to view "ghosts" in their native "wave" form.

Sub-atomic particle's properties become more wave-like than particle-like in low energy wave environments!
Sub-atomic particles can only be seen when they are in a high energy state a normal, conscious human being is in- the velocity of the high-energy sub-atomic particles becomes difficult, if not impossible, to measure in a high energy, sub-atomic particle state.
Therefore, if your subconscious mind is working at a low energy quantum level, the ghostly visions you are seeing in your low energy, schizophrenic, hallucinatory state of mind are made up of WAVES and not particles!!!

05-20-2020 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Takes Over The Drudgery Of Cooking Meals

I had a dream in the early morning of 05-19-2020. I was secretly programming a robot, using AI, to make and bake me a blueberry pie.

At first, I thought this was a stupid dream not worth blogging about. I also didn't understand why I had to be so secretive about programming the robot to make me a blueberry pie- still don't.

Then I realized how close we probably are to having artificially intelligent robots or devices to take over all our cooking requirements! I can't wait for this to happen. Can you imagine an artificially intelligent robot or device hooked up to Pinterest, on the web, picking out wonderful meals for me to eat three times a day and cleaning up afterwards?

I am all in!

Saturday, May 16, 2020

05-16-2020 Two Year Old Blog Predicts Covid-19 Virus Outbreak?

I did a search on CDC to see if I have had previous dreams about serious disease outbreaks and the CDC. Sure enough I found this blog entry of a dream I had two years ago! The 02-13-2018 blog is eerily similar to the delays and cover ups during the initial Covid-19 outbreak reporting in China...

He said, "The person that is responsible for a disease outbreak is the person who knows an outbreak is occurring but has not warned the proper authorities about the outbreak!"

I now “believe narrowly missing the log truck hitting me” in the 02-13-2018 Dream means I narrowly missed catching the Covid-19 virus.  On 02-13-2020 I was super sick with all the symptoms of Covid-19 except the fever. It took a round of antibiotics used for Malaria to get me better. This narrow miss was predicted two years earlier!

02-13-2018 Certification from the Center of Disease Control (CDC) Dream

I had an interesting, convoluted dream in the early morning of 02-13-2018.

The dream I had was spawned from reading an article in the Sunday edition of a paper about how the convoluted events a detective in Los Angeles, CA experienced directly involving a then unknown leader of the Mexican drug cartel and how he eventually got caught.

My dream was about events involving a couple of detectives chasing down all sorts of illegal activity in the area they were responsible for. Somehow I became a new hire for them and was in the process of moving to the area they lived in to help them out.

The possible predictive event happened when they woke me up from a deep sleep in my hotel room. The leader of the group I was joining had apparently looked into my past experience while I was sleeping.

He told me I had once got a certificate from the Center of Disease Control (CDC) training me on how to identify outbreaks of the latest deadly diseases being spread across the world. He told me it would be useful to them if I was able to renew the certification with the CDC so I could follow up on serious outbreaks of diseases in their area.

He said, "The person that is responsible for a disease outbreak is the person who knows an outbreak is occurring but has not warned the proper authorities about the outbreak!"

Then the dream jumped to a scene where we were following a logging truck at an unusually high speed on an eight lane road in the city. The logging truck suddenly slowed down and pulled into a gas station along the side of the busy road. I thought we were going to hit the logging truck but we swerved out of the way.

A long, convoluted dream. My first thought was to pick out the key words and phrases of the dream...
Center of Disease Control (CDC), disease outbreak, certifications, logging truck, gas station, responsibility for disease outbreak, detectives.

Could this dream be a warning regarding a possible serious disease outbreak in the future someone doesn't report in time to the proper authorities? Does the disease outbreak have something to do with logging trucks or freshly cut trees and a gasoline station?

I don't know at this point. Dreams can be full of words used to mean something totally different than the obvious meaning of the words used in the dreams. It may take me a while to figure this dream out.

05-18-2020 Dream Of Hand Mats For Students

I had a short dream in the early morning of 05-16-2020. I was in a darkly lit class room with rows of students sitting along high counters in rows of the class room. The teacher was asking a student whether they had watched the video on "hand mats" yet. The student said yes. In my dream, I thought maybe I was too old to go to all those videos. My logical mind stepped in and said,
"You aren't a part of this world. The teacher probably can't even see you."

When I woke up I thought, "Hand mats. Maybe they are required in each class in the dream world I was in for cleansing. You are required to use your hand mat when entering each classroom due to the packed classroom seating arrangements."

This dream stems from thoughts I have had earlier in the week regarding the idea we are not fully utilizing the full spectrum of energy available to us to make our life easier. The idea is each color in the spectrum of white light may affect living things in different ways that would be beneficial to us. This goes beyond the visible spectrum of light. We need to understand the properties of all levels of energy waves hitting us to take advantage of those properties for different applications- like personal hand mats for cleansing on the go!

Monday, May 11, 2020

05-11-2020 Starbucks Visit By A Royal Family Member

I had a quick dream in the early morning of 05-11-2020. Someone in the royal family had a great desire to go to a Starbucks coffee shop near the Windsor castle and praised what a fine establishment it was!

Not too exciting of a dream. I don’t really know if there is a Starbucks near the Windsor castle.

Wednesday, May 06, 2020

05-06-2020 My Opinion On The Eventual Conclusion To “The Secret Of SkinWalker Ranch” Investigation

I have concluded all the findings on the new “Secret Of SkinWalker Ranch” series on the History Channel will be similar to the previous owner’s (Bigalow’s) conclusion...

“Yeah, something strange and other worldly is going on at the ranch but we don’t know what it is”

This is a cop out to me. They could take sample of the radioactive “septic” tank water and try to identify the metal and isotope content. They could take soil samples from the drill remnants surrounding the buried object they already found and do the same. Scientists already know some isotopes and types of metals cannot be made on earth. They could take the guys phone spewing out random number sequences and try to “decode” the number sequences. Maybe aliens are trying to communicate with us. Mutilated animal tissue could be analyzed for foreign DNA and further matched to existing species, if possible...

Update: I watched a couple of interviews with Dr. Travis Taylor on YouTube regarding his four month stay at the Skinwalker Ranch. I believe now “The Secret of SkinWalker Ranch” series will make a good effort to apply scientific observation and analysis to the bizarre events occurring at SkinWalker Ranch. At a minimum the data gathered and video filmed of strange occurrences at SkinWalker Ranch will reveal unique and common patterns and properties of individual events occurring, such as balls of light in the sky, appearing over the ranch.

I noticed variances in the properties of the balls of light in the sky from other SkinWalker Ranch videos on YouTube. Some balls of light had v-shaped dark voids at the north and south poles. Other paired balls of light looked like one was feeding the other light energy. 

Monday, May 04, 2020

05-04-2020 Short Dream- China

Simple statement in this dream from early morning of 05-04-2020.

“China has a real gambling problem!”

Not sure why I dreamt this.

My Model of the Universe and Beyond

09-19-2016 Could Our Universe Be on The Surface of a Planet Made of Dark Matter?

Could our Universe be on the surface of a planet made of dark matter? Could black holes simply be tornadoes on the surface of this dark mat...