Thursday, February 27, 2020

This is interesting.

I had a dream on the 24th of July 2017 (07-24-2017 Dream of Alarming Number of Deaths Noted in Two Age Groups Around the World). My conclusion regarding the 07-24-2017 dream was the dream was...

I know how this dream was initiated. I read in an article about the white nose fungus bats are catching and dying from in large numbers. The white fungus grows well in cold, damp climates like the caves bats sleep in. It is very deadly to bats but not humans.
My subconscious mind picked up on this emotional article about bats dying in large numbers due to a white nose fungus.
My subconscious picks up events at a quantum level I will experience in the future similar to the emotional, high death event I read about in a National Parks pamphlet the night before,
My subconscious is saying there is another future event you will experience regarding a high amount of deaths in the population of humans similar to what is happening to bats.
In my dream the cause of the two age groups of humans dying at an alarming rate around the world was not revealed to me. Only the early release of the alarming study of human deaths of two age groups was revealed in this dream.
I think one of the two age groups of people dying at an alarming rate were people in their mid to late sixties.
Scary dream and possibly a prediction."


02-24-2020 There was a heightened concern regarding a new, uncontrolled virus spreading across the globe named the Coronavirus. The coronavirus affects the respitory system.

Examples of 02-24/2020 reaction to the Coronavirus.

    3 days ago · Coronavirus Stalls Milan, Italy’s Economic Engine Milan is not a closed city, but it is a drastically slowed one, after a spike of cases in the region, raising anxiety about a broader slowdown.
    Financial markets plunged Monday as the spread of the coronavirus that has ravaged China threatens economic havoc on a global scale. The Dow Jones industrial average sank by more than 1,000 points ...
  3. What I find most interesting and matches my dream from 07-24-2017 is the fact they now believe the deadly coronavirus most likely originated from bats. Elderly people seem to be the most vulnerable,
  4. References:

Coronavirus Outbreak Likely Began With Bats, an Omen for ...
Feb 04, 2020 · One of his colleagues at the Wuhan Institute of Virology found that the new coronavirus is more than 96% genetically identical to a bat virus from the Yunnan province in the southern China ...

Elderly most vulnerable to new coronavirus: health chief ...
Jan 22, 2020 · MANILA - The elderly are the most vulnerable to a new virus that has killed at least nine in China and sickened hundreds, the Department of Health said Wednesday. Health Secretary Francisco Duque said those who died from the illness had

How does the coronavirus affect the human body? | TheHill
As with all viruses, it is the most vulnerable: the young, the elderly and the chronically ill. In fact, many of the patients who have died in Wuhan, China, had existing conditions including...


07-24-2017 Dream of Alarming Number of Deaths Noted in Two Age Groups Around the World

I had a dream  there was a study of deaths, worldwide, by age. This dream occurred in the early morning of 07-24-2017. The 24th is the day, each month, I sometimes have predictive dreams of future events I will experience.
The dream noted two different age groups of humans around the world were dying at an alarming rate compared to the rest of the human population.
Somehow, the results of the study was released to the public accidently and there was a panic which took hold of the general public regarding the news because no one knew the cause of the alarming rate of deaths in the two age groups of humans around the world.
I know how this dream was initiated. I read in an article about the white nose fungus bats are catching and dying from in large numbers. The white fungus grows well in cold, damp climates like the caves bats sleep in. It is very deadly to bats but not humans.
My subconscious mind picked up on this emotional article about bats dying in large numbers due to a white nose fungus.
My subconscious picks up events at a quantum level I will experience in the future similar to the emotional, high death event I read about in a National Parks pamphlet the night before,
My subconscious is saying there is another future event you will experience regarding a high amount of deaths in the population of humans similar to what is happening to bats.
In my dream the cause of the two age groups of humans dying at an alarming rate around the world was not revealed to me. Only the early release of the alarming study of human deaths of two age groups was revealed in this dream.
I think one of the two age groups of people dying at an alarming rate were people in their mid to late sixties.
Scary dream and possibly a prediction.
Update 02-18-2018: ..If I had to guess I would say the disease is mental illness. We should learn how to identify, categorize the illness for type of treatment and track those people who have mental diseases so we can begin to find solutions to help them.

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