Saturday, September 28, 2019

09-28-2019 Dream Of A Bird Hitting An Expensive Hotel Window

I had this strange dream in the early morning of 09-28-2019. I was working at a hotel with about 12 foot long windows going all the way to the floor. A huge bird came out of nowhere from the sky and smashed into one of the long window panes and cracked it.

I went into panic mode trying to fix the problem right away so it would not affect hotel customers for very long. I came up with a solution assuming it was a Canadian goose flying in the sky and somehow hitting the window. I felt good about my solution. I actually had a lone Canadian goose come flying from way up in the sky and somehow flying or falling down from the sky and shattering my passenger side rear view mirror as I sped across a floating bridge at 60 miles an hour.

Then I realized my assumption was totally wrong about the type of bird hitting the window pane.

As I looked at the overflowing lump of bird in a large wheelbarrow. It was an ostrich! I blamed the bad assumption on my Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). I was too hasty to fix the problem without fully understanding the cause. This made me wonder how an ostrich fell from the sky and hit the window. Maybe it fell from the top of the building or another hotel window above the courtyard where the window was broken!

So is my original solution really going to solve the problem in the future?

Conclusion: This is either a predictive dream of an event happening In a hotel during a future trip to Australia where ostriches exist or an  event in a parallel world I exist in.

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