Friday, August 02, 2019

08-01-2019 Further Thoughts On How Life Works

I have been thinking about my previous blog entry "07-20-2019 Dream Of How Life Works".

I felt there was a significant "AHA" moment I had made in the "07-20-2019 Dream Of How Life Works" blog.

"All the world's a stage and "life's energies" flowing in all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and entrances through the predefined channels of our human genome's prerecorded play; and one man in his time plays many parts..."

"We are nothing but a pipe dream in the eye of the cosmos. Only life's energy is eternal."


William Shakespeare - All the world's a stage, and all the...
William Shakespeare Quotes. All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages. William Shakespeare.

The "AHA" moment was the fact a multitude of rigid, specialized channels are predefined in our DNA structure. These specialized "energy paths" are predefined and always the same for specific types of energy to flow through when creating specific types of cells in our body. Not only are there unique paths predefined in our human genome to route energy during the creation of life, there is probably various specialized "colors" of energy used only in certain "energy paths" and only at certain times during the specialized cell and organ creation processes.

The DNA structure is no more than a myriad of specialized, skeleton channels for specific types of energy to flow through at specific points in the life development process.

Therefore we cannot limit our research to cataloging the rigid DNA structure. This predefined DNA structure is only the skeleton for the actual colors of "life giving" energy to flow through or be copied when needed. The end result of specific "colors" of energy through the human genome structure is the billions of specialized cells and organs in our body.

This "life giving" energy starts out as a simple white light from the sun, for example. This white light can be split into a rainbow of colors of energy. Each specialized "life giving" color of energy could be used only when needed and only routed through specific DNA coded paths stored in our unique DNA molecular structure.
The life giving energy our DNA structure is perpetual fluid with fluid properties that separate and flow through predefined DNA channels at various levels of our existence. My previous "07-20-2019 Dream Of How Life Works" hints at the fact the actual energy paths used to produce life are ALWAYS the same to get to a specific life giving resource used in the life creation process- no matter what the actual rigid, DNA structure is made from.

The various fluids flowing through our body's DNA structure during and after the life creation process are what we do not have very much knowledge about. Documenting the rigid, human genome structure is just the beginning of our journey into understanding our fluid existence.

I now revise the last few words of my previous "07-20-2019 Dream Of How Life Works" blog entry to reflect my current thoughts...

Now we have to figure out what types of energy are used to build (and flow through) these rigid DNA  "energy paths" so they will be predefined for the next generation of life to use.

What unique "energy paths" are defined in DNA and what "colors" of energy flow through the energy paths?

I believe, to truly understand "life", we need to understand the "energy of life". We need to start defining the specific properties of the many "colors" of energy flowing through the rigid, specialized channels of our predefined human genome structure and how specific properties of specific energy colors are used to create and maintain life.

I believe there may be a form of energy captured or created by DNA strands we are not aware of yet. This unknown energy is not bound by space and time. There is a type of unique DNA energy left after our skeleton structure disintegrates- our soul energy.

One property noted from paranormal investigations of this unknown "soul" energy, leftover after life, is the fact it can be absorbed and brought to "life" again by inanimate object- like dolls. 

This "soul" energy can be felt by animate objects, as well. Sometimes the "soul" energy is evil, it is absorbed from the ground (based on my experience) or inanimate objects. This evil "soul" energy tries to take control over people's bodies and minds. It is unnatural.

The unknown, ethereal, soul energy can also be strengthened and brought to "life" by additional absorption of electricity into the unknown ethereal energy source or field from various, inanimate energy stores- like power batteries.

Side note:

I am always sensitive to spelling key words correctly when I don't normally use the words in my blog. I try to get the spelling right by looking up the spelling on the internet. In this blog I used the word "myriad"so I jump over to another internet browser window and typed in "myriad" to make sure I spelled it correctly. 

Look what comes back from the search! A genetics company called "Myriad Genetics"! 

Myriad Genetics | Breakthrough Innovations in Molecular ...
Myriad Genetics is a leading molecular diagnostic company dedicated to saving and improving lives by discovering and delivering tests across major diseases.
Deja vu!

Coincidence? I don't think so. 

The fact I am using the same odd word to define the make up of genetic material in our human genome is proof the energy path to the resource (the word myriad) is always the same and the energy flowing through this path is not limited to the space and time of one person.  The energy path can be predicted to be used by similar human genome structures to route specialized energy in the same way I did. This means our human language is based on a rigid set of predefined energy paths to "define" life through syllables, words and phrases! Fluid colors of energy flowing through predefined word paths can paint a picture of life!

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