I watched a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) show last night raising the question, "Are aliens from outer space sending us packets of advanced technical knowledge in various forms of delivery- deliberately crashing advanced technology for us to pick and figure out how to use, for example? Is there a more sinister reason aliens are sending us knowledge of Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods so we will eventually be destroyed by more advanced cyborg beings?
My subconscious picks up these shocking ideas and starts flashing subtle dream images to me in the morning of 07-20-2019. The first image in my dream shows a simple scene of some people standing on a path through a building that goes straight, then jogs left, goes straight, then jogs right into a room on a certain floor of the building in my dream. Then my mind flashes an image of some alien, reptilian looking beings standing on a path carved out of the rock in a cave. The alien's path and the people's path look exactly the same- straight, jog left, straight, jog right into a room. So my logical mind automatically concludes the paths in the dream images are both the same even though the surrounding environment is made up of different material. Conclusion- different beings in the universe still use similar paths to get to predefined resources in the universe. These paths were previously created. I will call these predefined paths "energy paths" because it takes energy to actually walk the predefined path to the room at the end of the path.
Then my mind flashed multiple images like flipping through the pages of a book showing me several different beings all trying to walk down the same predefined, energy path to a room in their dreams in slightly different environments- all at the same time!
My mind flashes two more images in this dream. The first image shows me in a room, on a ladder of a wall with hundreds of shelves with books on the shelves. The second image shows me selecting a specific book and opening it.
I believe my subconscious mind is just trying to show me there are lots of situations in life where you can browse a wall of pre-defined stories. Once you expend the energy to select a specific book and open it then you are committing yourself to a life's journey where the story unfolds as you read it. The story you select has hidden characters and directions to physical resources inside it. As you read the story, the predefined characters and directions to physical resources reveal themselves to weave a unique story to a predefined end- as long as you follow the defined "energy path" of words in the story from start to finish.
My subconscious mind is telling me this is how life works in the universe. All the organic mechanisms do is create "energy paths" to rooms full of stories you can open and follow along to a predefined end. You can skip around to different stories and pages of stories but either chaos ensues or you just get glimpses of individual stories you haven't committed to.
Creating "energy paths" to rooms full of books is not unlike the procreation process that perpetuates life on earth with two rooms full of stories from a male and female set of DNA.
So simple.
Now we have to figure out what types of energy are used to build the "energy paths" so they will be predefined for the next generation of life to use. What unique "energy paths" are captured in DNA to be released when they are needed in the story of each of our lives and how are the energy paths created?
Do individual "colors" of energy define different "energy paths" used in each of our life's stories?
My subconscious picks up these shocking ideas and starts flashing subtle dream images to me in the morning of 07-20-2019. The first image in my dream shows a simple scene of some people standing on a path through a building that goes straight, then jogs left, goes straight, then jogs right into a room on a certain floor of the building in my dream. Then my mind flashes an image of some alien, reptilian looking beings standing on a path carved out of the rock in a cave. The alien's path and the people's path look exactly the same- straight, jog left, straight, jog right into a room. So my logical mind automatically concludes the paths in the dream images are both the same even though the surrounding environment is made up of different material. Conclusion- different beings in the universe still use similar paths to get to predefined resources in the universe. These paths were previously created. I will call these predefined paths "energy paths" because it takes energy to actually walk the predefined path to the room at the end of the path.
Then my mind flashed multiple images like flipping through the pages of a book showing me several different beings all trying to walk down the same predefined, energy path to a room in their dreams in slightly different environments- all at the same time!
My mind flashes two more images in this dream. The first image shows me in a room, on a ladder of a wall with hundreds of shelves with books on the shelves. The second image shows me selecting a specific book and opening it.
I believe my subconscious mind is just trying to show me there are lots of situations in life where you can browse a wall of pre-defined stories. Once you expend the energy to select a specific book and open it then you are committing yourself to a life's journey where the story unfolds as you read it. The story you select has hidden characters and directions to physical resources inside it. As you read the story, the predefined characters and directions to physical resources reveal themselves to weave a unique story to a predefined end- as long as you follow the defined "energy path" of words in the story from start to finish.
My subconscious mind is telling me this is how life works in the universe. All the organic mechanisms do is create "energy paths" to rooms full of stories you can open and follow along to a predefined end. You can skip around to different stories and pages of stories but either chaos ensues or you just get glimpses of individual stories you haven't committed to.
Creating "energy paths" to rooms full of books is not unlike the procreation process that perpetuates life on earth with two rooms full of stories from a male and female set of DNA.
So simple.
Now we have to figure out what types of energy are used to build the "energy paths" so they will be predefined for the next generation of life to use. What unique "energy paths" are captured in DNA to be released when they are needed in the story of each of our lives and how are the energy paths created?
Do individual "colors" of energy define different "energy paths" used in each of our life's stories?
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