Thursday, February 21, 2019

02-21-2019 Debbie Reynolds’ Ghost

I had a short dream in the early morning of 02-21-2019. I am entering my predictive dream window of time around the twenty-fourth of each month. Debbie Reynolds’ (a well known movie star) ghost came forward and wanted to tell me to tell everyone she was solely responsible for her own death and seemed very strong willed about making sure everyone knew it was no one else’s fault. She also indicated her daughter died of an overdose of drugs because of a personality disorder that made her careless and absent minded to the point she didn’t remember having taken multiple doses of a drug in a short time period.

Initially, I consciously thought her daughter (Carrie Fisher) might be obsessive/compulsive but I looked on the internet after I awoke from my dream and apparently she was bipolar.

Then I found another article reviewing a book Debbie Reynolds’ son wrote verifying my dream by stating his mother did not die of a broken heart but willed herself to death to make sure her daughter, Carrie Fisher, would not be alone on the other side!

Instant internet verification of the facts from my dream. I like it!

02-22-2018 Post Analysis:

I am sure there are some readers who will state I am making this dream up or read the details of Debbie Reynolds death written by her son ahead of time.

I did not. I just report what I dream and then do the research on the internet because I think the dream is so odd for me to have in the first place it peaks my curiosity. Why on earth am I dreaming about a Debbie Reynolds appearing in a dream and telling me she is the only one responsible for her death and then telling me her daughter's drug overdoses were not really her fault either. It is not in any way a part of my current life.

My logical mind takes over in situations like this and I start thinking this dream is about someone who is already dead yet is still able to project their pure emotions regarding their death and their daughters death.

Conclusion: Emotions are eternal.

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