Tuesday, December 18, 2018

12-18-2018 A Dream Of Reckoning

I had a memorable dream in the early morning of 12-18-2018. There were two scenes I remember distinctly in this dream.

The first scene was a view of myself pounding together, at an angle a couple of graying 2 x 4"  timbers over eight feet long, each, using sturdy, round headed four inch steel nails with some other apprentices. A tall, medium set supervisor came along and promptly showed us an example of how to properly nail two lengths of board together with nails at a right angle. I remember him making sure the other apprentices were able to see the proper nail pattern while he crowded me out of the way. The supervisor quickly started walking away and I ran after him. I started to walk with his quick pace and politely asked him if I could have a closer look at the nail pattern so I could get it right in the future. He didn't stop walking but showed me the nail pattern of the sample angled piece of wood he was carrying.

I examined the nail pattern used closely. There were four nails lined up at the seam connecting the two angled pieces of wood together. I only saw the flush nail heads in the wood.  I assume the nails were angled between the two pieces of wood at the seam, when nailed together, to secure the two pieces- otherwise it would not secure the two pieces of wood together. The pattern was very significant, one large, gold nail with a square head and then three round headed, gold nails beneath the square headed nail in a straight line.

I have mentioned in a previous blog sometimes when I am wandering around in another, possibly parallel world in my dreams, I am sometimes totally ignored or treated nicely by other "entities" in the dream. Not in this dream. The tall, overbearing supervisor showed me the nail head pattern but then proceeded to yell at me and tell me in no uncertain terms he did not want me working with him ever. He told me I have a history of being brash, rude and judgmental at times when other people are at their weakest points emotionally. Basically he told me to get lost- and for good!

Very disturbing. I didn't like that guy.

The next scene I was flying around this parallel world in what looked like a cushy, form fitting seat from a chair without any chair legs or chair back. I was floating around this business district of a city at night with minimal lighting and somehow found myself in a very large auditorium style room with seats angling down to a center stage. I was traveling a little too fast and twisted around so my back was to the stage and far wall I was careening into while I desperately tried to slow down and stop before hitting the wall. While in this maneuver I heard a man I passed telling me to be more careful and stop flying around the city without first looking at a map and determining the exact location of where I wanted to go. As if he was speaking to someone else he said, "He is so careless. He always zips around without really knowing where he is going. He is very reckless!"

Ha! I tell you it was a dream of reckoning! I felt like I was being judged again by other worldly figures. I have had two or three other dreams like this recently.

Of course my feelings after the dream were defiant and, in my mind, I said, "Screw you!" A typical response my sometimes rude and sometimes vicious sub conscience would say.

I definitely think there is symbolism behind the one square headed nail (very old, hand made style of nail) and the three round headed (more modern, machine made) type of nails in a straight line pattern at the apex of a right angled seam of wood.

So my mind starts racing with ideas. "One part old, three parts new", "apex fastened by golden nails in a pattern, parallel world...

I come up with the idea maybe my dream is trying to tell me parallel worlds are really connected at an apex of dense, gold material and jet out at right angles to each other from this dense apex. I picture in my mind lots of right angled parallel worlds jetting out from a dense "pin cushion" center of gold material- not unlike the central dense singularity proposed to be at the depths of black holes. According to this model there could be several parallel worlds at right angles to each other fastened at the center by dense, gold material consisting of one part old, recycled universe material and three parts new universe material.

Definitely a model of parallel universes unlike any other I have ever heard about!

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