Wednesday, June 20, 2018

6-20-2018 Did Our Universe Just Flatten Like a Pancake After Slamming Into A Super Massive Black Hole?

I just watched another episode regarding "Space-time"  on "How the Universe Works". 

Many of the people interviewed admitted they didn't know what dark energy really is but they know it may be the reason the universe is starting to expand faster than expected.

So my mind starts visualizing the possible solutions to what dark energy could be.

Previously, I blogged about the fact our universe could be one of many bubbles created inside black holes. These "bubble" universes could interact with each other in multiple ways just like universal dust clouds, stars and galaxies interact in various ways in our universe- perhaps with minimal or no space-time continuum.


This complex interaction between "bubble" universes from my dream expanded my mind's possibilities for multiple universe interactions. It allowed me to come up with a bizarre, but logical, solution on why our universe is expanding faster than expected- possibly due to dark energy no one seems to know much about.

Here is what my logical mind came up with regard to our increasingly expanding universe and dark energy.

Our universe could have been hurtling towards a super massive black hole and is currently flattening out like a pancake on the super massive black hole's event horizon- like a water balloon hitting a car windshield! 

Increasingly expanding matter in a universe makes sense if it is in the process of being flattened into a pancake after hitting the event horizon of a super massive black hole.

Our universe would look like it is expanding faster and faster as it slams into the super massive black hole and flattens out like a pancake. Subsequently the flattened out universe would eventually get sucked into the super massive black hole after it flattens out around the super massive black hole's event horizon. A multi-dimensional view of our universe and beyond.

The center of impact could be the location of a large void of space in our universe where the galaxies have already been sucked into the super massive black hole our universe just hit.


The dark energy is simply the essence of the super massive black hole our universe slammed into!

Food for thought! In my mind's eye the scenario above is logical.

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