Wednesday, November 08, 2017

11-08-2017 Dream of a Synatsu. A Japanese Word for Intermediary or Peace-Maker

I had a dream I was waiting in a long line at a small restaurant during the early morning of 11-08-2017. The owner of the restaurant, all of a sudden, came up and said we can no longer serve meals because the cook is exhausted from a long day.

I was very upset. A friend was with me. He had some friends along with him.

I immediately left without my friends and found another restaurant.

My friends showed up a little later and called me a "synatsu".  I thought he was insulting me in my dream. In real life I know he my friend can speak Japanese.

I don't know how to speak Japanese. I have never heard the word "synatsu" in my life.

I looked up the meaning of "synatsu" when I woke up on 11-08-2017.

Update 11-08-2017: Actually the definition I chose from the internet to interpret this dream is the  Japanese syn(onym) Atsu". Another internet hit was just a name- Sy Natsu. My subconscious creates meanings from sounds or syllables like "syn" and "atsu" or "sy" and "natsu". My interpretation of what I heard in my dream was "syn" and "atsu". My subconscious often only uses the first syllable of a multi-syllable word to define a phrase.)

The synonym atsu means "an intermediate" or "peace-maker" in Japanese. My friend wasn't insulting me. He was just saying it was good I just left and chose an alternative restaurant.


Key words and interpretations from this dream are Japanese, peace-maker, alternative conflict resolution, friends, restaurant

My first thought is Japan may be a good choice for an alternative country to be the intermediate or peace-maker in negotiations to finally solve the serious conflict raging with North Korea. The US is not a good choice to be the peace-maker any longer. According to my dream,  the cook (US) is exhausted. The US's menu options have therefore been exhausted. Japan needs to step up and become the alternative peace-maker for the North Korea conflict.


Japanese-English Dictionary
Johann Joseph Hoffmann, ‎Lindor Serrurier - 1881
... A peace-maker, an intermediate party. sYN. Atsu-kai-nin. TsiuAr-sA'rsuNo r01 ni'ro. Ai-satsfino yoi hito, 7'1' '9'7-/ 34' E h,. 711/]. \

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