Wednesday, August 16, 2017

08-16-2017 An Eagle, a Raven and a College Aged-Girl Steal Stuff

I had a strange dream in the early morning of 08-16-2017.

I was on a bus somewhere. I noticed an eagle flying out of the bus, while the bus was moving, with a large piece of cornbread in its mouth.

Then I noticed a large Raven on the seat next to me grab some sort of hand tool and flew out the window with it.

The next scene I was in a hallway at a school with school lockers lining the walls on either side. There were workers cleaning out the lockers- perhaps getting ready for the next school year. While the workers were distracted the young, college bound girl snatched a laptop in the pile of items the workers had cleaned out from the lockers.

This is totally out of context with my life right now so very confusing. Probably a lot of symbolism I should try and search the internet for help to understand the meaning of.

I know ravens and eagles are scavengers so there might be something to "scavengers" I need to try to figure out the real meaning of in the dream.

It could also be one of my parallel universe dreams where I am in a totally different world than my present one.


From the research below I think this is a normal dream as I transition from being free as an eagle to facing the reality of some major health issues in the family I will have to deal with in the next couple of years which "steals" away my current freedom to "soar like an eagle"!

Internet Research:

Reference 1:

  • Corn Most dreams containing images of corn or wheat symbolize fertility or fruitfulness.They may also represent new life – either pregnancy or new developments in other ways.

  • Bread Bread has always been symbolic of life itself.In its highest aspect it is considered to be spiritual nourishment – manna.It can also represent the need to share spiritual knowledge.

Eagles (Reference:

Because the eagle, like most hunting birds, has an extraordinary far reaching and inclusive gaze, it can link with the ability of your own mind to at times expand far beyond the immediate sense impressions and concerns, to include years of life experience, and what you have learned when looked at as a whole. It can therefore represent spiritual vision. This is because the height of the bird and its steady gaze give it unusual perception and wide awareness. To touch such enormous wealth of experience is to be penetrated by the holy. Something so beyond the limitations of our own small personality enters us and leaves its imprint. 

Ravens/Crows (Reference:


To see dream of a crow represents lingering unpleasantness or annoyances. An obnoxious person or situation that gets on your nerves or won't go away. A crow is a sign that you are experiencing unwanted changes, bad news, difficult endings, hardship, or situations and people that won't go away. Feeling annoyed by reminders of debt.
Example situations that might bring on a dream of a crow may be a difficult divorce, a death of a loved one, or being forced to be around a someone that you can't stand. One man dreamed of a crow when he was fighting an drug craving.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing crows in the sky. In waking life she had an alcoholic son living with her that refused to get a job and stop drinking. She felt that his presence in the house was quite obnoxious as she was trying to start a business and raise her second younger son.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a dead crow with a rattlesnake coming out of it's mouth. In waking life she had paid off debt that left her financial broke and unable to address other serious problems. The dead crow in this case may have reflected her feelings about no longer having to think about a debt that someone was constantly nagging her to pay off. 

*Please See Ravens.

To dream of a raven represents a bad omen or a situation that signals trouble ahead. It could also reflect a sense of intuition that feels that something is wrong or dangerous.

A raven may reflect expected misfortune or unpleasant changes. It may also be a signal that a phase is coming to an end.

Alternatively, a raven may symbolize a person who benefits from a misfortune or enjoys recounting tales of woe.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing a raven with red eyes looking at him. In waking life he was very nervous about starting college and having to get a job afterwards. The raven reflected his feeling that failure was waiting for him after college. 

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