Saturday, February 25, 2017

2-25-2017 Deja Vu and a Little Girl Kicking Me.

I had a dream in the early morning of 2-25-2017. I helped a young girl get home from school. She happened to live down the hill and across the street from where I grew up as a child. For some reason I went to take her home again from school, the next day, so she wouldn't have to walk home again- because I felt it was too far to walk.

Her mother intercepted me at school the next day and ended up driving me to up the hill from where they lived to the street where I grew up.

I remember getting out of the car and was trying to show this lady where my old house use to be. Some construction workers were in the process of tearing down my old house on the hill and building a new one. The new house was being made out of solid concrete walls. I was trying to tell the lady who drove me up to see it how it was a bit odd for me to be looking at my old house on the hill being torn down when I already knew the future of the home being built and how it affected the neighborhood in the future. I was trying to explain to the lady I was sensing I had already been in this situation before. I was having an episode of Deja vu.

During this whole scene of getting out of the car and showing the lady where I used to live, her little girl started literally kicking me in the stomach to get my attention. I tried to ignore the little girl kicking me while I talked to her mother about my Deja vu experience.

Finally, a voice in the background of my dream said, "You should pay attention to the little girl and see what she wants because she admires you."

So I politely turned to the little girl and asked her what she wanted. "She pulled me to some large plastic, toy building blocks. The toy building blocks were shaped like rocks from a kid sized version of the same stones used to make a primitive "Fred Flintstone" house from the "Fred Flintstone" cartoon series on TV. She told me she was being bullied by her older brother who said she should get rid of these building blocks because they were stupid. She wanted my honest opinion on whether her building blocks were stupid. She was very upset at what her brother said because she loved her toy building blocks.

I told her toy building blocks were very special and rare and she should keep them and take care of them because they were valuable.

A lot of symbolism in this dream regarding basic building blocks and paying attention to the people, especially children, around you who need your attention most, at a specific moment in time. It is important to pay attention to them and listen and respond to their needs and desires to help them grow.

Key words like "building blocks", young child, apparent bullying and a need for a young girl to be reassured her needs and opinion were important all were in my dream and were a way my subconscious was trying to relay a very important lesson of life to me.

"Don't ignore the little people around you that admire you and are looking to you for guidance."
It isn't all about you and the valuable insight of your experiences in life that require attention. Sometimes it is the little things you do for others in life that are far more valuable than what you experience in life yourself.

'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you' is commonly known as the "Golden Rule".

It is a statement from the Bible.

Reference: Is “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” a biblical statement? from website:

"This statement is in the context of a lesson from Jesus about loving our enemies. Jesus took the conventional quid pro quo method of treating people and turned it on its head (see Matthew 5:38-48). Rather than doing to others what they have done to us or giving them what they may deserve, we are to treat them the way we want them to treat us."

So even though this kid was kicking me in the stomach to get my attention in my dream, the Golden Rule says I should respond in a way I would like to be treated...with respect, compassion and to pay full attention to their needs and wants in a way that lets them grow to be a better person.

Pretty heavy, philosophical dream messages coming from my subconscious mind this morning.

This dream make me feel guilty for being so self-centered in my actions in life. I feel I am being warned to learn how to be more caring and more empathetic to people who require my attention in the future.

I'm pretty sure my wife recently told me to be more caring and empathetic to our kids and dog come to think of it.

As you get older it seems like you want to do what you want instead of what everyone else wants you to do. This is a common "old age'' way of thinking.

Interesting how my subconscious mind took hold of my wife's comment and made it into a whole, dramatic episode in a dream of mine.

Okay, I'll try to be more caring and empathetic in the future.

Lesson learned...

As I wake up an reread this dream blog later in the morning I realize my subconscious may be trying to warn me about the hard line this nation is taking against immigrants, abortion and alternative sexual preferences. We should be listening to these people not shutting them out.

My subconscious mind is picking up a negative energy at a quantum physics level and warning me ignoring these people is not a good path to follow. It reminds me of the dream I had last month regarding basic moral rules we should all be following.

If there is this much negative energy my subconscious is picking up and starting to preach about, we may be getting this nation into a bad situation in the future by not following the "Golden Rule".

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