Wednesday, August 10, 2016

8-09-2016 First Time A Ghost Has Visited Me In AWhile!

The early morning of 08-09-2016 I had a dream where a boss, of mine who died of brain cancer, years ago, clearly approached me in a friendly manner. He provided with a solution to an issue I was having surrounding a new book I want to write and publish regarding the conclusions I have come up with from observing my dreams for the past 10+ years.

His suggestion was very helpful.

I thought it was interesting at the end of the conversation he indicated I didn't have to follow the rigid methods of publishing my findings a published, scientific paper would require. I told him, no need to worry, because I own my own publishing company and I am retired. I try and adhere to strict publishing standards but I don't have to worry about the criticism of others in the industry like I use to when I was working for him.

Before he left my dream he turned to me and gave me a very clear thumbs up.

What a great dream. Very helpful!

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My Model of the Universe and Beyond

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