Tuesday, July 12, 2016

7-12-2016 Himalaya Horror Scenario

Early morning of 7-12-2016 I was having trouble sleeping and my mind was racing. I was thinking about global warming and came up with the following horrible scenario...

1) Global warming is causing the polar ice caps to melt.

2) The continental drift is causing the Himalaya mountains to rise 2 centimeters per year.
     Reference: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/the-himalayas-tectonic-motion-making-the-himalayas/6342/

Conclusion: Less ice mass at the polar caps means even less resistance to the tectonic motion pushing the Himalaya mountains to even greater heights each year.

Possible Himalayan Horror Scenario: What if all this upward thrust in the Himalayan mountains reaches a snapping point where all the potential energy of thrusting the heavy earth's crust up to the heavens suddenly releases all the stored potential energy downward in the Himalayan mountains? The mountains are sitting on pliable magma goo. It seems highly possible, to me, for this magma goo to be pushed in a downward direction from a sudden release of potential energy stored in the rising Himalayan mountains.

The sudden release of the huge amount of potential energy currently stored in the Himalayan mountains could push all the tectonic plate(s) forming the Himalayan mountains the opposite direction they are moving now. This sudden tectonic movement in the opposite direction could cause massive tidal waves and landslides around the world!

We would experience even worse massive flooding due to all the excess water in the ocean caused by global warming! Maybe the catastrophic flooding from the story of Noah's arc was caused by a sudden tectonic shift like this.

Crazy thought but when my mind starts racing in the early morning it comes up with all kinds of interesting ideas! :-)

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