The dream I remember from the early morning of 6-6-2016 was very strange.
I was scaling a steep cliff to get to a narrow sandy beach below with a rope. My uncle comes out from a nice home on the bluff above me and greets my with something like "Hi! Long time no see!" So I start climbing back up the cliff to greet him.
He looked older and stressed with a puffy, red face and graying hair. He didn't look healthy.
He sees what I am doing (scaling up and down the bluff above a beach with a rope) and boldly states something like,
"Well this certainly sheds a new light on the plot of the "Deer Hunter" movie!"
I've never even seen the "Deer Hunter" movie. I have no idea what he is talking about! I read one internet dream interpretation about speaking to an uncle in dreams and it said it may imply my subconscious is trying to tell me there is something in my family's past which should be brought out in the open.
I have no idea what it could be!
Since this dream isn't within my normal predictive dream zone I have no idea how to go about interpreting what this dream means.
Update 6-11-2016:
After finding out the following about "The Deer Hunter" movie I believe using just the key words and the facts around the movie's "roots" may reveal a future event I will experience.
"The film was based in part on an unproduced screenplay called The Man Who Came to Play by Louis Garfinkle and Quinn K. Redeker, about Las Vegas and Russian roulette. Producer Michael Deeley, who bought the script, hired writer/director Michael Cimino who, with Deric Washburn, rewrote the script, taking the Russian roulette element and placing it in the Vietnam War" (Reference: Wikipedia)
So if you look at the key words and the above origin of the "Deer Hunter" movie my mind raced to make pattern matches and came up with the following "logical" event to possibly occur in the near future in Las Vegas!
My Conscious Mind "Keyed" in on the following phrases to make a plausible guess at an event to occur in the near future:
"scaling a steep cliff", "Las Vegas and Russian roulette"
"Well this certainly sheds a new light on the plot of the "Deer Hunter" movie!"
I was scaling a steep cliff to get to a narrow sandy beach below with a rope. My uncle comes out from a nice home on the bluff above me and greets my with something like "Hi! Long time no see!" So I start climbing back up the cliff to greet him.
He looked older and stressed with a puffy, red face and graying hair. He didn't look healthy.
He sees what I am doing (scaling up and down the bluff above a beach with a rope) and boldly states something like,
"Well this certainly sheds a new light on the plot of the "Deer Hunter" movie!"
I've never even seen the "Deer Hunter" movie. I have no idea what he is talking about! I read one internet dream interpretation about speaking to an uncle in dreams and it said it may imply my subconscious is trying to tell me there is something in my family's past which should be brought out in the open.
I have no idea what it could be!
Since this dream isn't within my normal predictive dream zone I have no idea how to go about interpreting what this dream means.
Update 6-11-2016:
After finding out the following about "The Deer Hunter" movie I believe using just the key words and the facts around the movie's "roots" may reveal a future event I will experience.
"The film was based in part on an unproduced screenplay called The Man Who Came to Play by Louis Garfinkle and Quinn K. Redeker, about Las Vegas and Russian roulette. Producer Michael Deeley, who bought the script, hired writer/director Michael Cimino who, with Deric Washburn, rewrote the script, taking the Russian roulette element and placing it in the Vietnam War" (Reference: Wikipedia)
So if you look at the key words and the above origin of the "Deer Hunter" movie my mind raced to make pattern matches and came up with the following "logical" event to possibly occur in the near future in Las Vegas!
My Conscious Mind "Keyed" in on the following phrases to make a plausible guess at an event to occur in the near future:
"scaling a steep cliff", "Las Vegas and Russian roulette"
"Well this certainly sheds a new light on the plot of the "Deer Hunter" movie!"
My conscious mind came up with the following interpretaton:
1) The phrase "Well this certainly sheds a new light on the plot of the "Deer Hunter" movie!" could be restated as "Well this certainly puts a new "spin" on the plot of the "Deer Hunter" movie!"
2) Taking the key words Las Vegas, "spin", Russian, roulette, and the phrase ""scaling a steep cliff"" my logical mind came up with the following scenario.,,
In the near future, in Las Vegas, someone is going to "scale down a large casino with possible "beach" features and proceed to take some bizarre and gruesome action surrounding a roulette wheel. They could possibly be Russian and look like my uncle!
We'll see if anything like this happens in the next few months!
Update 6/13/2016: I'm saddened by the 50 people who died in Orlanda this week. I am wondering if this dream predicted the event. Not sure. The matching facts from my dream versus the tragic event at "The Pulse" in Orlando are:
1) The actual tragedy occurred on the 12th of June. I have noted several times in previous blogs- often when I have predictive dreams the actual event matching my dream occurs on the 12th or the 24th of the month following my dream.
2) The dream showed images of my uncle I haven't seen for several years now. Subconsciously I have always thought he was the closest to being gay of my relatives. He isn't gay, but has a gentle, sensitive and sometimes outlandish personality.
3) The cross street of the Pulse nightclub is Orange and Esther. Esther is the name of a relative of mine.
4) Las Vegas and Orlando are big entertainment cities.
5) "Deer Hunter" is a key word in my dream. The cross street "Orange" matches the fact "Huntington Beach" is in "Orange" county in California. The terms "Deer Hunter" and "Beach" in my dream lend a hint to "Huntington Beach" in "Orange" County California.
Note: The subconscious is sometimes very cryptic and symbolic in its interpretations of events it sees, I believe, at a quantum level of existence. It is often difficult to interpret the meaning of a subconscious dream. I remember reading the fact most psychiatrist/psychologists have given up trying to interpret dreams because it is too difficult.
My Reasons for Dream Interpretation
I make an attempt at interpretation of subconscious dreams because I really think there is a possibility, some day, we could predict future, real life events through interpretation of key words and images from predictive dreams.
For example, wouldn't it be nice if we could really predict these dreams by pattern matching key words in the dream to real life places on earth. We could identify the exact location of where a terrible event will occur on earth. Maybe we could use a super computer to iterate through subtle matches from key dream words to actual earth, map locations where a real life event will occur. Don't we already use super computers to predict subtle weather patterns around the world?
It seems very possible to have discovered the cross streets and the type of establishment (gay entertainment establishment) of a terrible, future event from subtle interpretations of key words and images in the dream I defined in this blog. A super computer could have pinpointed the exact city the cross streets existed and "entertainment" establishments near the cross streets identified.
If someone had told me the five matching facts, listed above, ahead of time I would have very likely to said, "There will be something bad happening at the "Pulse" Nightclub in Orlando, Florida in the near future."
I also try and interpret dreams because month after month I am seeing repeatable patterns in my dream interpretations. As mentioned, real life events matching the dreams I blog about happen on the 12th or 24th of a specific month following a dream. Sometimes the actual event matching a dream I have happens on the exact same day of the month I have a dream. I have learned to interpret my subconscious images and phrases by noting only the key words and images from the dream without trying to understand the convoluted context of the dreams I have. I have also learned how to translate the often cryptic, symbolic meaning of the "baby-like" phrases the subconscious blurts out in dreams and even while I am awake.
There may be many "layers" one has to weed through to understand predictive dreams from the subconscious mind. I don't believe interpreting predictive dreams is any different than interpreting the convoluted flow of the weather around the world. For example, the jet stream flowing across the US throughout the year has a great effect on the local weather from state to state. The actual flow of the jet stream is the product of many ever changing patterns of ocean currents, heat, wind, high and low barometric pressure and long term trends in temperature patterns around the world. There are a lot of variables and huge super computers are used to predict weather patterns around the world. I believe we can do the same thing with predictive dreams some day.
Predictive dreams have repeatable patterns of behavior we can document and use to understand our future. It isn't an accident real life occurrences of predictive dreams I have often happen on the 12th or 24th of any given month. It all points to the "time" factor or the value PI. PI defines is the greatest limiting factor in our universe. It makes sense all events in this Universe are limited by the value PI. I believe time can be defined by PI. It makes perfect sense to me to se major events in my lifetime keep happening on days of the month that are multiples of the value of PI (3.14...). I also believe light is wave-less energy where E = C2. To have Mass waves must exist. Waves exist only in time and space. PI is time. Mass must have PI to exist. The subconscious works at a quantum physics level where time and space are much less important. It allows the subconscious to see what events have a high probability of occurring in the near future.
Events at the quantum physics level are all about probability of occurrence with less regard to time and space. Probability of occurrence at a quantum physics level is difficult to understand. My observations from this blog revealed the "state" of an object at the quantum level is very important..."On" or "Off", "Moving" or "Not Moving", "Cold" or "Hot". The state of an object at a quantum physics level defines the properties and behaviors of the object's existence at a quantum physics level. I've come to the conclusion if an object doesn't have "moving parts" in this universe it ceases to exist.
There is also an unknown fabric tying all objects in space and time beyond our current understanding. I had a clear dream where I heard a loud, single shot of a gun. In my dream, I could see how this single, violent bullet tore into the very fabric of our existence in this universe. This "fabric" ties us all together as "One" in the universe. The bullet violently tears the fabric of our existence as "One". A tear in the "fabric" can be felt by all of us at a subconscious level. It was a horrible feeling in my dream- like I was being instantly shred apart.
Update 6/13/2016: I'm saddened by the 50 people who died in Orlanda this week. I am wondering if this dream predicted the event. Not sure. The matching facts from my dream versus the tragic event at "The Pulse" in Orlando are:
1) The actual tragedy occurred on the 12th of June. I have noted several times in previous blogs- often when I have predictive dreams the actual event matching my dream occurs on the 12th or the 24th of the month following my dream.
2) The dream showed images of my uncle I haven't seen for several years now. Subconsciously I have always thought he was the closest to being gay of my relatives. He isn't gay, but has a gentle, sensitive and sometimes outlandish personality.
3) The cross street of the Pulse nightclub is Orange and Esther. Esther is the name of a relative of mine.
4) Las Vegas and Orlando are big entertainment cities.
5) "Deer Hunter" is a key word in my dream. The cross street "Orange" matches the fact "Huntington Beach" is in "Orange" county in California. The terms "Deer Hunter" and "Beach" in my dream lend a hint to "Huntington Beach" in "Orange" County California.
Note: The subconscious is sometimes very cryptic and symbolic in its interpretations of events it sees, I believe, at a quantum level of existence. It is often difficult to interpret the meaning of a subconscious dream. I remember reading the fact most psychiatrist/psychologists have given up trying to interpret dreams because it is too difficult.
My Reasons for Dream Interpretation
I make an attempt at interpretation of subconscious dreams because I really think there is a possibility, some day, we could predict future, real life events through interpretation of key words and images from predictive dreams.
For example, wouldn't it be nice if we could really predict these dreams by pattern matching key words in the dream to real life places on earth. We could identify the exact location of where a terrible event will occur on earth. Maybe we could use a super computer to iterate through subtle matches from key dream words to actual earth, map locations where a real life event will occur. Don't we already use super computers to predict subtle weather patterns around the world?
It seems very possible to have discovered the cross streets and the type of establishment (gay entertainment establishment) of a terrible, future event from subtle interpretations of key words and images in the dream I defined in this blog. A super computer could have pinpointed the exact city the cross streets existed and "entertainment" establishments near the cross streets identified.
If someone had told me the five matching facts, listed above, ahead of time I would have very likely to said, "There will be something bad happening at the "Pulse" Nightclub in Orlando, Florida in the near future."
I also try and interpret dreams because month after month I am seeing repeatable patterns in my dream interpretations. As mentioned, real life events matching the dreams I blog about happen on the 12th or 24th of a specific month following a dream. Sometimes the actual event matching a dream I have happens on the exact same day of the month I have a dream. I have learned to interpret my subconscious images and phrases by noting only the key words and images from the dream without trying to understand the convoluted context of the dreams I have. I have also learned how to translate the often cryptic, symbolic meaning of the "baby-like" phrases the subconscious blurts out in dreams and even while I am awake.
There may be many "layers" one has to weed through to understand predictive dreams from the subconscious mind. I don't believe interpreting predictive dreams is any different than interpreting the convoluted flow of the weather around the world. For example, the jet stream flowing across the US throughout the year has a great effect on the local weather from state to state. The actual flow of the jet stream is the product of many ever changing patterns of ocean currents, heat, wind, high and low barometric pressure and long term trends in temperature patterns around the world. There are a lot of variables and huge super computers are used to predict weather patterns around the world. I believe we can do the same thing with predictive dreams some day.
Predictive dreams have repeatable patterns of behavior we can document and use to understand our future. It isn't an accident real life occurrences of predictive dreams I have often happen on the 12th or 24th of any given month. It all points to the "time" factor or the value PI. PI defines is the greatest limiting factor in our universe. It makes sense all events in this Universe are limited by the value PI. I believe time can be defined by PI. It makes perfect sense to me to se major events in my lifetime keep happening on days of the month that are multiples of the value of PI (3.14...). I also believe light is wave-less energy where E = C2. To have Mass waves must exist. Waves exist only in time and space. PI is time. Mass must have PI to exist. The subconscious works at a quantum physics level where time and space are much less important. It allows the subconscious to see what events have a high probability of occurring in the near future.
Events at the quantum physics level are all about probability of occurrence with less regard to time and space. Probability of occurrence at a quantum physics level is difficult to understand. My observations from this blog revealed the "state" of an object at the quantum level is very important..."On" or "Off", "Moving" or "Not Moving", "Cold" or "Hot". The state of an object at a quantum physics level defines the properties and behaviors of the object's existence at a quantum physics level. I've come to the conclusion if an object doesn't have "moving parts" in this universe it ceases to exist.
There is also an unknown fabric tying all objects in space and time beyond our current understanding. I had a clear dream where I heard a loud, single shot of a gun. In my dream, I could see how this single, violent bullet tore into the very fabric of our existence in this universe. This "fabric" ties us all together as "One" in the universe. The bullet violently tears the fabric of our existence as "One". A tear in the "fabric" can be felt by all of us at a subconscious level. It was a horrible feeling in my dream- like I was being instantly shred apart.
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