Friday, April 15, 2016

Correction to 04-15-2016 Dream with the Key Phrase "I Won't Go In A Subway"

I had a dream early morning of 04-15-2016. A close friend of mine kept repeating...

"I won't go on the Subway!"

"I won't go in a Subway!"

Note: I remembered the phrase wrong when I first wrote this. I remember thinking "Let's hope he means "Subway" Sandwich shops

He was raised in a restaurant eating gourmet foods.

Either way,  I suppose it could be a warning.

The double meaning makes it even more frustrating to me.

"Don't go on the in a "Subway" in the near future!"

I don't like these kind of dreams.

I get feelings of helplessness and fear because I don't know when or where this dream will become a reality.

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