Wednesday, February 10, 2016

2-10-2016 Dreams From The Unconscious Mind

It always amazes me how the subconscious creates dreams using symbolic and cryptic messages and images.

For example, the early morning of 2-10-2016 I remembered three dreams I had.

"Wayne ruder"

I don't remember the details of this dream. I do remember the statement "Wayne ruder!". I recognize "Wayne ruder" as a form of baby talk the subconscious throws out to me in dreams when it doesn't have enough previous history from my own experiences to provide any more information than basic, phonetic type words in the form of "baby talk". At some point in the future I will probably recognize what the subconscious was trying to tell me from the "Wayne ruder!" statement (which happens to be my brothers name. :-)


"MT Reunion"

I remember the details of this dream clearly. It is a bit personal but I didn't know this lady in my real life and in "my dream I decided she was a ghost and really didn't have any business acting this way!

The dream portrayed a young lady observing me from afar and deciding she really wanted to get to "go with me". She confronted me directly and told me so in my dream. Since I was in a helpless state (dreaming) all I could do is watch her actions unfold while she proceeded to show me various parts of her body to prove she was worth pursuing.

The dream went on this way for a while but my conscious mind popped in and said "This is ridiculous. This lady is already dead or from another "alternative world" and there is no way you two will ever have a chance to meet."

My subconscious mind then ended the dream with the statement "MT Reunion!" to try and get a final message to me about this dream so I could try and understand an event I will experience with key words and hidden messages from the images and words in this dream.

To interpret this dream I have to try and figure out what the cryptic message and symbolic images in the dream are predicting I will experience in real life in the near future (likely within the next two years).

Summary of the dream...

"A female really tried hard to get together with me in the near future because she watched me from afar and decided she liked me."

A cryptic phrase- "MT Reunion"

Not sure why I thought of this possible interpretation but here it is...

"Mother country" is a statement I have heard before which means countries are addressed as females in some conversations. My subconscious may have symbolized a country to be the female in my dream trying really hard to "get together soon!"

"MT Reunion" could be a cryptic message regarding a near term future event where "M" for Mainland China really makes a big effort to "get together" with "T" for Taiwan!

Update: 2-18-2016:


China sends missiles to contested South China Sea island

Abel NorrisFeb 18, 2016
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday called on all claimants to practice a policy of "no militarization" in the waters, noting that Chinese President Xi Jinping's had said during a visit previous year to Washington that China would not militarize the South China Sea.
Taiwan defence ministry spokesman Major-General David Lo told the Reuters news agency on Wednesday that the missile batteries had been set up on Woody Island, part of the Paracels chain, which is under Chinese control but also claimed by Taiwan and Vietnam.
Other countries in the region - the Philippines, Brunei and Malaysia - also lay claim to disputed territories in the South China Sea.
The tense diplomatic exchange was a far cry from the apparently more restrained discussions on territorial disputes in the South China Sea at the two-day US-Asean Leaders Summit hosted by US President Barack Obama.


Testing for Future Roles

I have had two situations lately where my eyes are closed and I am trying to go to sleep. I notice even with my eyes closed there is this bright light shining very close above me. It is very confusing to me because it is really dark, I have my eyes closed and I am trying to go to sleep.

I then had a dream the early morning of 2-10-2016 where a couple of men were putting me through all kinds of  tests where I was supposed to document all the details regarding the things they were saying in a document so I would get the facts straight when I needed to apply those facts to a role I could possible play in the future. I failed their tests because I didn't write down anything they said.

My interpretation of this dream stems from the fact I was worried "seeing the light" with my eyes closed meant I would be visiting heaven in the very near future and these "angels" were sent down to figure out what role I could play once I went to heaven! I failed the test!

Not my favorite dream of the three....

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