Saturday, January 30, 2016

1-30-2016 Dream Shouting the Word "Punza"

I have been ignoring my dreams a bit this month because of my intense concentration trying to learn how  to paint with acrylics.

I looked up an odd word I've never heard of before from my dream the early morning of 1-30-2016. All I can remember is the dream repeated the word "Punza, Punza, Punza"!

Never even heard of the word "Punza" before.

I suspect it is a blatant warning regarding the zika virus taking hold in the spanish speaking central american and south american countries.

Also, around January 25th I had a dream with images, in full color, of all kinds of strange looking alien creatures.

I can't remember the details surrounding these dreams so it is difficult to understand the real meaning of them.


Symptoms, Diagnosis, & Treatment | Zika virus | CDC

Reference: Babylon Spanish-English Dictionary

"Punza" in Spanish means "prick, sting; prod"

Spanish English Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 7.7

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