Monday, December 07, 2015

12-07-2015 A New Earthquake Dream

Update 05-06-2018: This new 6.9 earthquake and volcanic eruption in a residence of the Hawaiian island  matches key words in this 12-07-2015 dream. The dream and earthquake/eruption are very close to the same day of the month I had this dream twenty-nine months after this dream occurred!

Hawaii eruption destroys 5 homes as toxic gas and molten lava threaten residents

Original Dream:

Early this morning I had a dream of what looked like a  fairly simple two dimensional cutout drawing of my house swaying back and forth like a pendulum with a fake, light brown ground in front of it.

I assume this is a new earthquake prediction that made a replica of my house severely sway like a pendulum of a big, grandfather clock. 

This is a new image for earthquakes in my dreams. I haven't had an earthquake dream in quite a while.

I wish my dreams had more consistent images I could get use to seeing so I don't have to think too hard what the dream images really mean. :-)

Update 12/11/2015: Because this dream was so different from my other "earthquake" dreams I think my subconscious is telling me there is an earthquake coming in the next two years or so like no other earthquake I have  experienced.

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