Monday, October 12, 2015

10-12-2015 Dream of an Interview for a Programming Job

I wasn't even going to blog about the dream I had early morning on 10-12-2015 because it didn't strike me as a significant, predictive event.

My dream showed me interviewing with some folks for a programming job. I don't consider myself a programmer, so I was confused in my dream. I have taken several programming courses, though.

The "programming job" dream was very detailed. I was interviewing for a very high visibility position. In the dream it was very important to be able to code a test to know when I had reached the end of a file on a computer I was copying somewhere or reading the contents of the file.

The dream didn't seem too out of the ordinary to me, although I did have the dream on the 12th day of the month. Predictive dreams I have occur most often around the 12th day of every month or around my birth day every month on the 24th.

A recruiter phoned me later in the afternoon on 10-12-2015 to come in tomorrow for an interview regarding a programming job at a highly regarded software company I seem to have the skills for!

I haven't been actively pursued a job since December of 2014 because I only want to work a few months out of the year and jobs like that are very hard to find.

The key words and images in my predictive dream on 10-12-2015 and the job description and interview appointment I experienced later in the day is too much of a coincidence to ignore as pure chance, in my opinion.

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