Saturday, March 07, 2015

03-07-2015 Topsy Turvy World

Climate 101 is a Mashable series that answers provoking and salient questions about Earth’s …

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Update 10-3-2017: There is a proposal Mars may have tipped on its access millions of years ago causing methane to be released and allow for liquid water on the planet. Notice this update is only three days from the same day of the month I had the dream below several months before...Reference:
Mystery of Lakes on Mars could be solved

I had a dream in the early morning of 3-6-2015.

I was concerned with the alarming rate of glacier melt in Greenland and the severe weather on the east coast of the United States (US).

I don't think this dream came from my subconscious. It was logical and relevant to things I am seeing everyday. The dream had significance though.

My dream was trying to figure out the probability of dire outcomes from the combination of more liquid water on the planet from increased melting of glaciers and the deep freeze currently happening on the east coast of the US.

One dire outcome was memorable from my dream on 03-06-2015.

My dream posed the question,
"What if the excess melting of the glacier ice combined with the excess weight of snow on the eastern seaboard of the US caused the whole world to tip farther down on its North Pole/South Pole axis so the eastern side of the US all of a sudden became much closer to where the North Pole originally was causing even more severe weather! My mind also wondered if the world spinning at who knows how many thousands of miles per hour caused the excess water to bulge out at the equator and help tip the North/South axis of the spinning planet even more!"...
Not sure this could really happen. In my dream it kind of made logical sense.

I believe my mind proposed this disturbing scenario because I had recently read of the unexpected determination the massive sink holes found in Siberia were actually caused by the fact global warming caused a massive release of explosive methane gas under patches of melting ice. These huge bubbles of methane gas randomly ignited and caused huge explosions and subsequent massive sink holes from the random methane gas explosions under the melting Siberian ice!

Freaky things are starting to happen with all this ice melting around the world!

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