Thursday, January 01, 2015

12-28-2014 Dream of a Cruise Ship Disaster on a River

Update: On 06/01/2015 there was a major cruise ship disaster on the Yangtze river.

I had a dream on 12-28-2014. A cruise ship appeared to have run aground or was failing in some way on a river. I was one of the passengers and tried to take a leadership role by telling passengers how to maneuver to safety on the ship's deck.

The problem is I kept messing up the directions I would tell the passengers as they ran in panic to life boats to get off the ship.

I would say "Turn right!" and then have to correct myself by saying "I mean turn left not turn right!"

It was as if my subconscious was trying to tell me I would make a terrible leader because I can't get the details right when they are most important to get right!

The subconscious is a brutal communicator. It has no rules and no problem being blunt and almost rude when it communicates messages to me in dreams.

I woke up feeling vulnerable and unsure of my  to communicate effectively.

I am entering 2015 feeling vulnerable and unsure of myself, the way I communicate to others and unsure about the world around me.

Is this uncertainty an omen of future 2015 events in my life?

It was a rather strong statement for my subconscious to make and I am not sure how to interpret it at this point.

We'll have to wait and see how these feelings relate to events I experience in 2015.

I find this dream unsettling.

Update 3/23/2015: I realize now I was wrong to be uncertain of my communication skills, at least, pertaining to my "Birthday Phenomena" dreams. What changed my mind was a bit of news on how Biogen successfully slowed Alzeimers by attacking the protein  buildup in the brain known to cause alzeimer symptoms. The researcher from  Biogen said they followed the trail  blazed  by other  companies who failed in their attempts.

The news reporter asked the Biogen researcher why their attempts succeeded where others failed. He said "I don't know. Ours works theirs didn't. Maybe we have a more  controlled environment to  create the drugs or maybe our drugs chemical bond structure is stronger  than previous attempts to make the drug." 

It is OK to "not know" how something works but still try to get it right a second time, report the sources and outcome of trailblazing attempts to understand the universe we live in.

It is ok to be wrong the first time. The fact that I simply document my "Birthday Phenomena" dreams and attempt to interpret what they mean allows others a  baseline  of knowledge to reinterpret and provide an even better interpretation of the monthly predictive dreams they are having.

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