Saturday, December 13, 2014

12-13-2014 More Evidence of a Super Human Race?

I woke up at 3:00 AM on 12-13-2014. The dream I was having right before I woke up was fresh in my mind.

My logical mind started working on the puzzling, symbolic set of images and phrases from the dream as it always does. My logical mind tries to make sense of the puzzling, cryptic array of subconscious images and phrases I remember from my dreams.

The dream involved another famous Microsoft President, Steve Ballmer. In my dream, Steve was under investigation for his wacko behavior lately..,.in my dream. The court "authorities" finally dragged the truth out of Steve and found out he had secretly been worshiping and laying out gifts to a super, god-like race of darker skinned people in a secret chamber dugout deep in the earth. The phrase my subconscious used to describe the super, god-like race of darker skinned people was "Panacea".

Remember, this is my dream and some of the images and phrases are very odd. For instance, the "dugout" chamber was near one of Steve Ballmer's baseball team's "dugouts" in a baseball stadium!

The word "Panacea" must be familiar to me from a previous real life experience but I don't remember what it means right now. That isn't the way to interpret subconscious phrases though. You have to phonetically sound out the "subconscious" meaning of the phrase. What my subconscious wants me to remember is the phrase "Panna See Yah"!

I have noticed my subconscious uses images or phrases I am very familiar with from my previous real life experiences to relay "messages" in dreams it wants me to remember and try and understand the real meaning of. A baseball "dugout" is a familiar term to me. The subconscious mind uses that familiar term to relay an unfamiliar, possibly future prediction of a real life event in my life time to me.

The dream I just blogged before this one was about a message involving "Bill Gates" and the word "Hauppauge",  which are both familiar to me from previous, real life experiences. I worked at  Microsoft for the past 16 years, full time and as a contractor. The word "Hauppauge" was familiar to me because I had previously purchased and installed a cable TV board into my desktop computer made by a company called "Hauppauge" so I could watch analog TV on my home computer.

In the previous blog my subconscious again used  images of people and phrases I was very familiar with to portray concepts I was not very familiar with...being "posh"! The spell checker in this blog red-lined my initial misspelling of the "Hauppauge" company name so hopefully it is correctly spelled now.

So I wake up at 3:00 AM on 12-13-2014 and my logical brain becomes a little irritated at my subconscious. I start thinking....

"Why am I dreaming so much about Microsoft Executives? It isn't like I met these famous people a lot in real life, up close and personal. I don't remember ever meeting them formally face-to-face. Just in company meetings in an audience with thousands of people attending.

My logical mind immediately picks up what it believes the subconscious is trying to get me to understand from the images of  "Bill Gates" and "Steve Ballmer". They are famous and have great responsibility for the current state of modern mankind!

Okay, the images of Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer in my dreams are making logical sense to me now.

What about the word "Panacea"? I will look up the literal meaning online but I know it isn't important to my dream. The phonetics of the word are..."Panna See Yah".

My logical mind is getting pretty good at interpreting these cryptic, subconscious phrases in my dreams. My logical mind starts iterating through "logical" phrases of "Panna See Yah" based on my previous, real life experiences and similar dreams...

"Pana See Yah"
"Panic! See You!'

My logical brain stops right there and says, "Wait a minute. You had a previous dream about crashing a plane in an area of sandy desert.  You saw a tall, dark skinned race that reminded you of Mowgli in  the Disney movie "Jungle Book". An extremely tall, lanky, dark skinned race wearing nothing but a fur, loin skin and carrying what appeared to be a primitive spear." Reference blog "June 12, 2013 Dream about what humans could like in the future."

Furthermore, I felt a bit of "panic" when I witnessed these images in my previous dream of 6/12/2013. Like I wasn't supposed to be seeing this tall, dark skinned race! A mini-Mowgli ran up to me with a primate "X" signed made of two crossed sticks connected together with rawhide to indicate I must not follow this great, loin skinned person in my dream if I knew what was good for me!"

Even freakier, my logical brain reminded me I have just recently been watching a TV series on the "Weather Channel" called "In Search of Giants"! This TV show is about two brothers going around the US from Catalina Island to the Ozark Mountains searching for physical evidence (bones, skulls) of an unknown species of humans that were over 8 feet in height and had double rows of teeth in their huge skulls! The final couple of episodes revealed their belief these "super humans" may have been an inter-breeder with modern man.


My logical brain concluded my subconscious is predicting this proposed super human race of giants will be found to be of great historical importance and will be found to have had great influence on the current state of mankind! Note: Just received a copy of the latest National Geographic magazine. Front cover article is all about the latest findings regarding the first native North Americans. Is it just a coincidence I have a dream regarding the first native North Americans right before I get the National Geographic magazine also featuring the latest information on the first native North American humans?

I don't think so.

My logical brain also noted the fact the date of this dream, 12-13-2014, is a date screaming out "around the 12th or 13th!!!!". The number 13 has been of great significance in my life's journey for some reason. Significant, real life events happen to me around the 12th or 13th day of any given month! One dream I had proposed my whole life revolves around the number 12 or 13. I noticed the previously referenced dream of "Mowgli" type super humans happened on  "June 12, 2013"...There is a freaky numbers game going on  with the days of the month, specifically 12 and 13, right?...or am I going crazy???

Too freaky for me to handle. I would go crazy trying to pay attention to every day details proving my whole life revolves around one or two numbers but the pattern of significant, real life events around the 12th or 13th of each month keeps popping up so it is hard to completely ignore!

The word "Panacea" usually means a "Universal remedy"...something to heal all ills. According to Wikapedia there are a whole family of Greek Gods that were known for their special, universal healing skills! Reference: family

Update 01/14/2015:

National Geographic Magazine cover for the January 2015 "How a Tiny 12,000-Year Old Teenager Became the First American". This issue is all about what we know right now about who the first Americans looked like and where they came from based on mounting evidence that the continental plates were all once connected to each other allowing some movement by humans across connected continental bridges that no longer exist.

I have had dreams a few weeks before covering the same key words on the next month's release of National Geographic Magazine. It keeps happening so I must be picking up some vibes from the editors of the magazine before they release the issue in my dreams...Very odd.

I looked up the name of the original connected continents they claim the first Americans crossed to get to North America because I knew it was close to the sound of the "Panacea" word in this dream. You have to admit Pangaea is close to what the word "panacea" I thought I heard in my dream.

No wonder I had a recent dream where my subconscious was identifying the fact I am not very good at getting the details right!!!

Pangaea or Pangea (/pænˈə/[1]) was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras.[2] It formed approximately 300 million years ago and then began to break apart after about 100 million years.[3] Unlike the present Earth, much of the land mass was in the Southern Hemisphere. Pangaea was the first reconstructed supercontinent and it was surrounded by a super ocean, known as Panthalassa.


I am writing about this dream almost exactly one month later on the night of 1/14/2014 after the dream I had on 12/13/2014. Another interesting, recurring pattern.

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